• Green zoom button button doesn't have native 'option' modifier functionality

  • BugsDesktopPlanned

It is default behaviour on macOS the window's top-left green button will set the window into full-screen mode, and if you hold the option key when clicking it then it will instead maximise the window without entering full-screen mode.

On Orion however the behaviour doesn't change if you hold the option button. So the user has to resort to manual window resizing or using a third-party window management tool in order to maximise the window size.

This behaviour is different from Safari, so it is not a WebKit bug.

The option key WILL modify the icon inside the green button, changing it from a <> icon that signifies full-screen, into a + icon signalling maximisation, but the behaviour doesn't follow through.

• Normal full-screen icon: https://share.cleanshot.com/p3BRZ1qG
• Maximise icon: https://share.cleanshot.com/nGybcDR1

Desired functionailty

Holding option when clicking the green window button would maximise the window size similar to most macOS software as well as all the other Mac browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc).

Clicking it a second time would toggle the window back to its previous size.

Version (WebKit 621. Build date Dec 28 2024 MacBook Air (macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 build 23G93)

Sonoma (14)

    It's quite surprising because I have the same version as you, and it works as you described: a single click zooms to full screen, and click+alt zooms to the edges of the screen.

    Could you try again after a restart?

      5 days later
      • Edited

      Yannick Huh, yep it definitely works now. No idea what was causing it to not work before. Definitely works now!

      I've quit and re-opened Orion multiple times since originally posting this, and I'm not sure if there was a new version automatically updated during that time, so I can't say what has caused the behaviour to change unfortunately.

        usizu The important thing is that it works 🙂
        I'll close the ticket for now and you can come back if it happens again, ok?

        usizu That's exactly true in my case as well. I've wanted to report this issue, but found that there is a post decribing it. I like Orion but the absence of green button + option key functionality is really annoyning.

          • Edited

          transambient Well it appears to have been resolved for me, though I have no idea what caused it!

            This also happens for me. I am on Version (WebKit 621.

            Which version are you using @usizu ?


              Strange, I'm on the same version: Version (WebKit 621.

              However it definitely no longer happens for me. I'm on Sonoma 14.6.1 and am quite sure I haven't installed any system update since posting this issue either.

                usizu Maybe the OS is the problem? I am on macOS 15.2 (24C101)

                  @Yannick I see that you have added the nofix label to this issue, do I need to open a new issue to get this moving forward?

                  Here's a video demonstrating the issue.

                    eskidostlar Maybe but it doesn't explain how the issue got resolved for me

                      I don't know if this ever worked for me but it's definitely broken as of both and on macOS 15.2

                      7 days later

                      eskidostlar can you please compare this with Safari?

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