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  • Great. This one seems to work. Thanks for taking the tine to nudge me in the right direction 🙂

  • Terrance Personally if the team's going to act on this, I think I'd prefer the toggle being replaced with a dropdown. Someing along the lines of "In the address bar show:" [Domain Name] [Start of URL] [End of URL]

    Would you be in favour of that, or would you prefer two distinct settings?

    If they have to add a second toggle instead, I would be inclined to argue vehemently in favour of the default being to show the end of the URL. I believe the goal should be to optimise so that the fewest number of changes are made by the average person. I have to assume that a majority of people who go looking for & change such a setting are looking to more significantly change what the address bar will display to them.

    Or, in other words;

    Show Full URLs: [Off] [On]
    Show Start of URL: [Off] [On]

    (bold = default)

    edit: Well, initially I think the goal should be to have the default represent a 'safe' and sensible set of behaviours for the average, not particularly tech savvy person. But once we're past that and the user is making changes, then I think optimising to (on average) reduce the number of changes needing to be made should be the goal.

    I hope that makes sense. I have a headache and I don't think I'm expressing myself very well. Sorry.

    • The animation only appears when the Downloads folder is present in the Dock. So, it would be better to make the file icon go into the downloads icon in the toolbar of the browser itself.

      • I've found in day-to-day use, it's pretty easy to miss the download icon in the top corner that would indicate if a download has begun. I think some kind of prominent animation or indicator, similar to other web browsers would be highly beneficial to clearly and immediately show that a download has started.

        Anecdotally, when I first began using Orion, I thought nothing was happening so I kept hitting download buttons on websites waiting for something to happen only to fill up my Downloads folder haha!