
  • 21 days ago
  • Joined 31 Jan
  • 0 discussions
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  • 1 point
  • We are in the early phase of Orion for Linux. Asking community for feedback.

    Gnome or KDE? Gnome will allow using WebKit. KDE (with Qt) is more portable (to Windows) but would steer towards using Chromium.

    What should be our prioirties? Chime in!

    • I wonder why this browser is not open source. If it has no trackers to hide there should be no reason to hide its source code. I will not enter my personal data into such a browser.

      • Vlad replied to this.
      • Any plans for a Linux and/or Windows release? And android?

        Kagi has literally changed my life, so I'm really excited to see what Orion has to offer!

          • Best Answerset by Vlad

          We are getting a lot of repeat questions about windows/linux/android version and sometimes it appears that users think that the team is choosing not to work on these platforms. The situation is quite different and simpler - we do not have the resources to hire a new team to do any of these platforms yet.

          And since Orion is funded by its users only, it is entirely up to the number of subscribers and Orion+ sales we have that will enable funding a new team to make Orion for any new platform. And building a browser is not cheap, especially one on top of WebKit.

          Ways you can help accelerate this is:

          • Contribute to Orion development with your time
          • Help spread the word about Orion to attract more users
          • Get Orion+ and financially support developmet
      • Please add side by side tabs. This is good for research, work, or social networks.
        Command click two or more tabs, right click ,and choose side by side.


        • We would be able to use multiple accounts on same site without any problems ...