Please add side by side tabs. This is good for research, work, or social networks.
Command click two or more tabs, right click ,and choose side by side.
Please add side by side tabs. This is good for research, work, or social networks.
Command click two or more tabs, right click ,and choose side by side.
Can you please add something like this?
Yeah Tab tiling has been requested a few times.
Rather than adding complexity to Tab opening, management etc, might this instead be achieved via window managment, in the Window menu?
This could then piggy back off existing "open/move to new window" functionality and there's precedence for Mac apps offering window tiling options via the Window menu.
Of course the fatal flaw in this suggestion is it would inherently apply to all open windows, so may be a bit too restrictive for those with more than 2,3 maybe 4 windows open.
…anyway, just a thought at how it might be done somewhat minimially.
Any updates on this?
The use case here is when using apps full screen, on a wide screen monitor (this case, an ultra wide).
I do not use multiple windows to organize my tabs, and instead use vertical tabs with nested tab tree views.
In vivaldi, i command click two tabs, and choose tile tabs. I then spend a few hours with those tabs side by side to compare and use data from both tabs as they related to eachtoher.
While those tabs are tiled, I can click on any other tab ,and those 2 tiled tabs disappear, and I just see my other tabs full screen.
I then click on either of those tiled tabs again, and I see my side by side tab up again.
When done, I right click them, and choose un-tile.
To get this done currently, I have to:
Pull both tabs out in to their own windows, and set them up side by side. I now have 2 separate full screen setups. One with my original tabs still full screen, and a second window with 2 windows side by side.
Then when done, I have to put those tabs back in to the main window, and then drag the tabs around to put them back in the order they were originally in.
Chrome now has something like this, soon to be out to all desktop OS's.
I'm a web developer so I have to work with multiple websites at the same time. It would be great to be able to split the browser screen vertically and horizontally to be able to work with multiple websites wasting the minimum amount of space posible. I think this would be a unique feature as it's currently not offered by any major web browser as far as I know. Some other applications like text editors also support this so I consider it a productivity feature.
Feels like the responsibility of the window manager.
Say you move two tabs into their own windows, one taking the left half of the screen and the other taking the right half. You don't lose any space; the menu UI of the browser remains the same height. So there is very little to be gained by doing this.
If you split the other direction, you do lose the vertical dimension of the menu UI and title bar, but this seems to be a less common type of split.
macOS already supports fullscreen split-screen (press and hold the green fullscreen button) for horizontal splits, but not vertical.
So, I don't see any huge benefit to a feature like this, which would have a significant development overhead. It would be cool, sure, but it's a lot of work for a narrow use case.
Consider an app like Rectangle or Swish to make window positioning more efficient.
My suggestion is to add feature of tab snapping. Just we in mac we can snap two applications/windows side by side with the help of rectangle/magnet. Similar, with this feature we will be able to snap two tabs side by side. Both tab will automatically resize their content by adapting the space available for each tab.
I really enjoy the focus mode, but it doesn't work well with tabs.
An ideal scenario would be that any tab opened in focus mode is shown in the same window, but in a split on the right side. Or there can probably be a separate setting for this behaviour (not tied to focus mode).
For me this would cover all the use cases I have for tabs, and tabs would become unnecessary.
There would be no need for two separate website address bars (command + l), the address, when invoked, can simply be displayed for the website that is currently in focus (either the left side or the right side). When opening multiple new tabs one after the other they could be stacked on top, or simply the new tab replaces the old one completely.
To add an example, something like the following:
Except within the same window, or maybe at least automated, so that you don't have to re-arrange things manually, just a setting that a new tab is opened in a split instead, and any additional tabs replace the one already opened.
And when closed, the original page resumes in full view.