1 would be my primary choice however I would like to see an option with the url bar integrated into the tab, like it is in safari.

Johnnyvm @Vlad I agree with this, I hate 1 & 2 because it feels too much like safari. I switched to Orion because I wanted something a bit different, not exactly the same. (otherwise there’s no point in switching)

#6 is less jarring and the tabs don’t jump around as much. It’s clear which tab is currently active. It’s beautiful, clean, predictable, I LOVE it.

FYI, The URL should update in the mockup upon switching tabs, but it currently doesn’t.

If I was forced to pick between 1 & 2, I’d pick 1.

    ForumNinja404 I hate 1 & 2 because it feels too much like safari. I switched to Orion because I wanted something a bit different, not exactly the same. (otherwise there’s no point in switching)

    So if the aesthetics are the same, there’s no point in switching? Despite the numerous changes that aren’t aesthetics? Lol

      Longely I was talking about scrolling with colour mode in my last post the idea of colour mode is great and I am all for it but i think the scrolling could be tweaked.

        i prefer both 2 and 3 but i would prefer 2 it feels cleaner and more immersive

          I'm not going to contribute to the ranking of the variants as there are a lot of opinions. However, I currently have a hard time visually identifying that more tabs are open than shown. Thus, please add an indicator in case more tabs are open than displayed.

            Some comments:

            1. I wonder how it'll look like with more tabs. It may also be a bit hard to tell which tab is the current one, since the visual distinction isn't pronounced.
            2. (third choice) This reminds me of old semi-skeomorphism as this looks quite a lot like a radio group. The hanging tabs (similar to current design) in this case works well for me, since it has good contrast against the background unlike say #1
            3. Same comments as #2, except the background distinction is a bit more subtle. It feels like a middle ground between 1 and 2, since it doesn't have the visual distinction issue of the first design but doesn't have a very pronounced indicator unlike #2
            4. I don't quite like this one, as floating things of this type don't feel native. It feels a lot like how arc does its vertical tabs with its odd non-native feeling native components.
            5. (first choice) I LOVE THIS. It has a lot of visual distinction between tabs, the current tab is extremely easy to see, and it feels most native and blending-in in my opinion.
            6. (second choice) Similar issues with #1, it lacks visual distinction between non-selected tabs and the lack of outline makes it less distinguishable as a tab bar. HOWEVER, the current tab selected is very easy to determine, and I think that this is the best for minimalists.

              TheOtherKai i think u have 1-6 backwards
              u mention 4 as "floating", but this is 4:

              but 3 is:

                Woo-hoo, a treat!
                My heart (and vote) is with #1. Second vote is #4. Let me comment on each design too:

                1. This is the best combination of design elements: no wasted space between tabs; no unnecessary noise. Everything in its right place :-)
                2. Many people seem to prefer this because it looks like Safari. For me, its a disadvantage: the borders around tabs do not really add any value; the gaps between tabs could go.
                3. There is nothing else in UI that supports shadow; it looks alien here.
                4. Similar to #1; I don't think tabs need to be separated by background; but it does not hurt much.
                5. Unique! Too much design, though.
                6. This is "wrong" design, in a sense that it groups things incorrectly. The first, active, tab looks like it does not belong to other tabs. There is nothing uniting all tabs as a group.

                tuesday hmmm 2 has too many border but is neat and 1 is good 1 tab focus any of em will just do fine.

                  First choice is #3 and second choice is #1. I like the compactness of them, yet they each make it obvious which tab is selected..

                    Number 5 is my first choice, number 3 is my second choice, number 2 and 6 are tied as my third choices.
                    5 seems like a nice, visually easy way to see what is active, 3 is similar but more subtle. 2 is very similar to Safari (so it's meh, and 6 is more similar to 5 but it just has a bit too much gray.

                      3 is my primary choice, love the floating tab

                      1 is secondary as it seems to be most like Safari


                        3 Is the easiest for me to see, and is the most visually pleasing.

                          my top choice would be 2: looks clean while not being confusing, fits very well and feels native
                          or 5: is comprehensive and spacious, the tab name looks like its attached to the url bar, separating the inactive tabs better

                          the others seem either cluttered or not consistent with orion's / macos' current design

                            2 and 5

                            #2 because it echoes the Safari compact tabs (which I like)
                            #5. Like the curved tab look