• Bottom command line and search input disappear / glitchy

  • BugsMobileDone

Randomly, but quite often, the UI of the address bar in latest Testflight becomes messed up looking

The address bar UI should remain as normal

Testflight 1.3.10 (7)


    I have noticed the same, but the steps to reproduce the issue remain elusive.
    Common causes, in my experience, have been closing tabs and swiping between tabs. Like @0xChain said, the causes still seem rather random.

    4 days later

    While browsing, usually after interacting with an input on a page, the controls on the address bar will disappear on the active tab and partially break on the rest. The only consistent way to get the browser back to a usable state is to restart.

    App version: 1.3.10 (8) (WebKit 8615.
    System version: 16.7.10
    Device type: iPhone 8
    Native bounds: (750.0, 1334.0)
    Scale: 2.0
    Regular tabs: 40/40/40/https://orionfeedback.org/?sort=latest&q=address%20bar%20
    Private tabs: 0/0/0/(

    It’s expected that the address bar remain consistent and usable throughout the browsing experience.

    1.3.10 (8) (WebKit 8615.


      Merged 2 posts from Address bar alignment glitch/malfunction on iOS.


        OP -
        Recent issue developed in last week or so -

        Bottom Search field and command icons on iPhone disappear after getting search results. Pulling down on screen to refresh doesn’t restore bottom section.

        The only way to get back to normal is to exit and close Orion and reopen the app.

        I think this is only being triggered when using fastgpt, not sure, but as noted in one of the pics, it also showed up in the bug reporting screen.

        See photos.

        Bottom Search field and command icons below it should display.

        Just updated latest Orion version a couple of days ago. iPhone can’t take anymore updates. At ios 16.7.10


          Merged 1 post from Bottom command line and search input disappear.
            Vlad changed the title to Bottom command line and search input disappear / glitchy .
              8 days later
              No one is typing