
  • 2 days ago
  • Joined Apr 17, 2024
  • 8 discussions
  • 15 posts
  • 0 best answers
  • 17 points
  • It would be nice to be able to archive notifications here, on Orion’s Feedback’s forum

    . When there’s a long list of posts that have been resolved, I may nor want to delete them, but would like to hide them.

    On the upper right corner either add an icon for archiving a notification or create an icon with a dropdown list of icons with Archive being one of them.

    If there is additional activity after archiving, then it should automatically appear in the non-archived list of active notifications

    • Going into a saved window with existing tabs and changing the open / saved tabs on one device, doesn't update on the other devices so I need to go into the other devices and manually update the open tabs within the window.

      Specifically -
      iOS 18.3.1 and also older iOS versions 14 and 16 / macOS Sonoma / iPad os 16, 18

      To Recreate -

      • Create and name a window
      • add search tabs that remain open within that window
      • if you go to the other device, the new items, being the new window and open tab contents will usually sync, although it may take a while
      • In a separate session go into the open window and close or add tabs
      • changes do not take place across devices.

      Don't have the same problem in Safari

      Please see attached.

      • First image shows tabs within 'SHARED' window after updating session on iOS device - deleting some tabs, adding others
      • second image shows macOS device still showing all the tabs that were deleted on the iOS device, and none of the new ones that were added, so didn't sync

      It should sync across devices
      (Btw - had to input this section 3x, because it keeps deleting entered text.)

      Orion Version (WebKit 621. - iOS / iPad OS 18.3.1 - macOS 14.7.2

      Sonoma (14)


      EDIT - It also has created duplicates - meaning in a saved, named window will have unique tabs on one device and duplicate tab instances of the corresponding saved window in another device.

      EDIT 2 -
      It would be nice if when this is fixed, that the open tabs lists appear in the same order as when created across all devices.

      • Make the Search field dynamic in order to see the entire query, like in other GPT sites.

        When I enter a query, more often than not, I edit it either before posting or after, as I refine my question.

        Making the edits are cumbersome, especially on mobile, because editing navigation is very particular, and visually obscure.

        If you make the query box dynamic to the size of the post, so user can see the entire copy, then editing becomes simple and fast.

        (I would attach an image, but to do so means I have to leave this post to create it and lose everything I’ve written here.)

        • Vlad replied to this.
        • It would be nice when we post to this forum, that it keeps a saved copy in the background until we are ready to submit. Usually when submitting a post here, I lose it when I have to go to another screen for reference, in order to complete this post. When I return, everything is gone and I have to start over.

          If drafts are saved while momentarily going to another tab, or elsewhere, when I return I can continue where I left off instead of having to start all over again.

          You might get more images/videos attached to support requests if this is fixed.

          • As of yesterday, selecting several open tabs to move to another tab group no longer works.
            Using iOS, Orion.
            iPad - 18
            iPhone - 16
            I don’t know how to move more than one tab in macOS on Orion, if it exists it needs to be more intuitive. So I don’t know if this feature stopped working on Macos.

            I am able to move one tab at a time, but not several at once.

            In vertical tabs -
            Select Edit
            Choose tabs I want to move
            Everything is greyed out, so I can’t move from there.

            I believe what used to happen is once you selected the tabs you wanted to move, the tabs group label at the bottom of the screen (with the down-arrow) would be active and not greyed out. After tapping on it and the list of tab groups opens you can scroll to the tab group name you want and tap on it.

            Latest app



              OP -
              Recent issue developed in last week or so -

              Bottom Search field and command icons on iPhone disappear after getting search results. Pulling down on screen to refresh doesn’t restore bottom section.

              The only way to get back to normal is to exit and close Orion and reopen the app.

              I think this is only being triggered when using fastgpt, not sure, but as noted in one of the pics, it also showed up in the bug reporting screen.

              See photos.

              Bottom Search field and command icons below it should display.

              Just updated latest Orion version a couple of days ago. iPhone can’t take anymore updates. At ios 16.7.10


              • When showing the open tabs list, it would be very helpful to show the query content in English form instead of it showing “Fastgpt” or the query in “search code form” (not sure what to call it).

                I refer to existing open list tabs all the time in revisiting open tabs to continue deeper dives on searches over different sessions, and I end up repeating the same queries because I can’t see the contents in the existing open tabs list without having to click on each one to open it and look at the query.

                This disrupts search and information access flow and makes accessing knowledge on a deeper level less fluid, more time-consuming and less effective.

                Being able to see the search title would significantly speed up researching a subject.

                In fastgpt if I search for highest rainfall in a city, and other searches branching from that query, I need to refer back and forth to open tabs to gain a better understanding of the subject.

                Showing the queries in English would help with referring back to the prior open[upl-image-preview tabs.

                See attached pic

                • red circled don’t show query
                • yellow circled is not a fastgpt query but it shows the search words used. This is helpful and is what I’m requesting for fastgpt to show on open tabs list

                • Vlad


                  The problem just resurfaced
                  Moving five tabs to New tab group going to create
                  Moved first tab using long hold method
                  When moved the next four and I checked the new tab group listing, two of the tabs went back to the Start Page. Those two were fastgpt searches.

                  I had written out a detailed step-by-step account that I was editing and intermittently saving, at one point when I left the tab and returned, me saved reply post disappeared, so I am requiring a general summary.

                  The attached screenshot ’ shows one Start Page and the tab above it is this post. I used the forgotten Start Page tab above it to create this post, that’s why you don’t see the second Start Page tab.
                  I took the screenshot after I started this post



                  • @Vlad

                    UPDATE -
                    This also happened in between the saved navigation log on an open tab, while navigating with back arrow. I had not reached back to the original search, and the forward arrow was gone as I was hitting the back arrow for each previous site I was backing away from.

                    • dino replied to this.
                    • fish

                      Yes, when open from being in background for me as well

                      • Some tabs with their scrolling history (back and forth arrows) vanish, only showing Start Page when either reopen Orion screen from the background or reload Orion app from being closed.

                        This happens randomly in time and with open tabs. It forgets the activity on some tabs and retains the activity with other tabs during a working session.

                        Problem seems to be only on iPhone, but not on Mac OS. I thought I knew how to reproduce it, but had no success. It happens with newer tabs, as it seems like older tabs are more “established”. I know this doesn’t make sense, but it’s the best way I can describe it.

                        My Settings are set to reopen tabs from last session.
                        I don’t use extensions.

                        It happens just about everyday some groups of days and not at all on other groups of days.

                        Normal usage would be all open tabs retain their activity history showing the site where you left off in your last session as well as the forward and backward history with the back and forth arrows.

                        1.3.8 (13) (WebKit 8611.


                        • When you use the back arrow in iOS and return to the original search, the forward arrow disappears. It would be nice for the forward arrow (>) to show up when back arrow (<) back to original search.

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                          • I have the same problem on iPhone, but not on Mac OS. I thought I knew how to reproduce it, but had no success. It happens with newer tabs, as it seems like older tabs are more “established”. I know this doesn’t make sense, but it’s the best way I can describe it.

                            My Settings are set to reopen tabs from last session.

                            It happens just about every day.

                            • Two issues -

                              1. When in History listing, screen is too sensitive to scrolling down the list, and if you pause for a split second it will open the URL that you just paused at with your finger. Basically if you pause your finger to stop the scroll, it immediately opens the url you paused at. This does not happen with other lists you scroll through. It makes it cumbersome to scroll through history because it keeps opening pages I didn’t intend to open, then I have to go back to the History list and repeat the process numerous times before accessing what I was interested in finding.

                              2. When at the open tabs list, clicking on Close All Tabs doesn’t give you a warning when you close it. I just lost 100 tabs without intending to. To recover them I need to search through History, which is problematic, as mentioned above.
                                If you hit this by mistake, you lose everything. Please add an Are You Sure safeguard to the Close All Tabs function.
                                Sometimes I fall asleep while searching and my finger inadvertently rests on an unintended command.

                              Thanks in advance.

                              1. Pausing the scroll list does not open the url I paused at

                              2. A safeguard so it doesn’t close all Tabs if I hit Close All by mistake .

                              Latest Orion iOS
