In Orion TestFlight 1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618., the back gesture (from left edge of screen swiping right) is too light compared to previous versions.

This easily causes accidental page backs.

Here’s a video that demonstrates the issue:

Steps to replicate:

  1. Open Orion
  2. Head to any website/page
  3. Swipe lightly to the right from the left side of the screen (you could swipe slowly from the left to see how far Orion needs to activate the gesture which isn’t much).
  4. Result

What is expected or ideal is Safari’s implementation with the distance and deliberation required plus seeing the previous page “underneath” the current page.

See video:

1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618.


    Also, for context, the forward swipe gesture works correctly, similar to safari

    When a link opens in a new tab, it usually jumps from the current tab to the new one, causing the back gesture animation to barely show. However, if the link opens in the current tab, the back gesture behaves normally. The back gesture behavior when a link opens in a new tab should be consistent with the behavior when a link opens in the current tab.

      Yes it is way too sensitive. Also simply swiping vertically also triggers it to go back.

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