12 days later

I have the same problem. It's a bit of a niche issue, but the Zotero connector is a key part of my workflow as a researcher, and thus necessary if I want to use Orion every day. I've tried all the extensions listed on Zotero's website (they offer Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), and the Chrome extension is the only one that can be installed. I'm able to get to the same options page as the user above, and none of the buttons work for me.
The url for the first button is chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/preferences/preferences.html#general -- not sure if that helps.

15 days later

Same problem here too. I would like to suggest Orion to the research team but seems impossible without the Zotero extension. As science_browser stated the Zotero connector is a key part of our workflow.

    4 months later

    Bumping; it's critical to my workflow and I was bummed when I learned the extension was broken.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      dmdmdmd If everyone's critical issue was the same, we would have an easy job. Unfortuantely the reality is over 2,000 issues on the site and a small team. Patience 😉

        7 days later

        Bumping this too. I totally depend on Zotero for work. I was thinking of making Orion my go-to work browser given its speed and distraction-free minimalism. I'll be patient and check back next month. 😉

          12 days later

          I only really have 2-3 extensions I need in a browser and this is one of them! I think this will capture a lot of academics (who probably overlap with browser early adopters).

          Thanks for looking into it!

          • Vlad replied to this.
            6 days later

            romesc We have 1,500 issues on the site, many of them being #1 reason people can not use Orion. We are a team of three. Thanks for understanding. Considering supporting the project by becoming a paid user or Sponsoring this issue.

              25 days later

              Same here. This is an essential part of my workflow and I really can't use a browser that doesn't fully support Zotero. I understand that the team has 1,500 issues, but I hope this one can be giving attention soon. I just discovered Orion today and was excited about using it, but will have to wait ... In some cases I've gotten around errors with Chrome extensions by installing the Firefox equivalent instead, but that did not help here. As far as supporting the project is concerned - I generally only support projects that I use in my daily work flow. Since I can't yet use this app, support will have to wait.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                kerim Consider sponsoring this issue to move it up the queue.

                  Like I said, I can't even use the app, so I have no investment in making it better. It would only make sense for me to sponsor a feature (as I do for other apps, such as Logseq) if the app is already useful for me. In this case, unfortunately, it is not.

                  From the user's perspective it is also a bit rude. I was curious and tested the app out, I took the time to let you know why I deleted. Rather than thanking me for that effort on my part, you ask for money. I'm sure many other people had the same experience and didn't bother to let you know. While I am sympathetic (hence I am still continuing this conversation) I feel a method of development based purely on sponsorship gives distorted signals, as it will only reflect the needs of your current user base, not those of potential users (like myself) who will move on for lack of that one feature.

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    kerim Orion is a browser built by user participation, made for users, funded only by users (no ads, search deals, affiliate links or seeling your data, like every other browser out there).

                    I politely asked you to consider supporting it. We need that support now to survive. If we don't get that support we may never reach the phase where you like it. There are also more than 1,500 open issues on this site. How do we decide which 20 to put in the next release? A financial support is a strong signal.

                    That is our entire reality. Please advise how you would handle it differently.

                      Your development model is similar to the famous "survivorship bias" chart, in that your monetary feedback only reflects the customers you have, not the ones who delete the app after 5 minutes. What you see in this thread is some people whose feedback you would otherwise be missing.

                      What you do with that knowledge is up to you. Perhaps the educational market it something you want to attract as potential new customers, perhaps it is not. I can't tell you. I am just saying that telling people who have already told you they simply can't use the app because it is missing a crucial feature that they should pay for it is a bit counterproductive. If you want the support of these users you need to make them into users first. Maybe doing so isn't worth it, maybe it is - that's a judgement call.

                      A secondary issue is how a user who normally would have just deleted the app but takes an extra few minutes to find the forums, register an account, and report a problem might feel about being told that if they really want something they should pay for it. That might be true - if that is your model - but perhaps there are ways of responding that would be less likely to put people off? Personally I don't plan to spend any more time on this and will be muting my account.

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        kerim That is an interesting food for thought.

                        The reason I do not think it is survirorship bias is becasuse this product has a vision, and have been in development for three years before payments were introduced (just over a month ago actually). Hundreds of browser features have been built from scratch, without users paying anything.

                        However that is not sustainable.

                        As someone who read every single comment on this site (14k comments) and our discord (probably ten times as many) I have heard 'I would use this browser if it had feature X' so many times that I can not count, and I feel a comment like that exhibits some entitlement and somewhat ignores the thousands of hours already put in the browser.

                        In such situation the only thing I can say is that we will prioritize those issues for which users choose to financially support Orion, which I think is a fair proposition. Also realize that this support is nowhere near enough currently, and 95% of all new features in every release never received any fiunding from users. Project is still guided by vision and participation by users, like upvoting issues on this website.

                        That might be true - if that is your model - but perhaps there are ways of responding that would be less likely to put people off?

                        This is a valid point. I suffer from "cash register syndrome" where for you this is the first interaction with me; for me I had thousands like this already. it is completely valid for you to expect me to be equally patient and considerate in my thousandt interaction (the one with you) as I was in my first . But I am only human, and have limited emotional capacity (problem exagarated by me having an engineering mind). Not an excuse, just an explaination.

                        Personally I don't plan to spend any more time on this and will be muting my account.

                        Sure, the difference is I can not and I have to engage in this and every other interaction asked of me. For you it is a one off, that you can chose to escape at will, for me it is the life I've chosen. For that reason we are not on the same grounds in these interactions, and perhaps same standard should not be expected. I do try my best though.

                          a month later

                          Just stumbled upon this thread since I'm having the same problem. While I'd still love to be using the extension in Orion, I fully understand that this is not something that is that big of a priority, especially since manual entries can be made. Although I wonder if this is a very specific issue with the extension port or could be part of something bigger.


                            Thanks vald, glad that this is finally will be solved. Keep the good job.

                              7 days later