This report is meant to gather all the relevant information on the tab freezing/becoming unresponsive/links being unable to be clicked issue which was introduced in Orion Version
This issue is not the same as #7199.
If you are currently experiencing this issue, please post your tab layout setting and macOS version in this thread. All other information is also welcome. You can download the previous build over at https://cdn.kagi.com/updates/14_0/127.1.zip replace the 14 with your macOS version if you aren't on Sonoma.

Description of the issue:
Individual tabs become unresponsive (the user is able to scroll within the tab but unable to interact with the objects on the page in any other way).
The only solution is to close the tab and reopen it. Refreshing does not fix the broken state of the tab.

Some useful information:
Some users have noticed that quickly interacting with the tab while the page is still loading tends to result in the tab becoming unresponsive more commonly.

Yet to be verified information:
The tab layout might play a role.
Using the 120fps rendering setting under Appearance settings doesn't seem to be a culprit.

My experience:
127.2 with compact tabs results in tabs freezing. Rolling back to 127.1 completely solves the issue.

Orion and macOS version:
Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

Sonoma (14)

    • Best Answerset by Vlad

    Passing this on from our Discord, anybody who is facing website freezing randomly in 127.2 we got a workaround (as we got the root cause, so until we release new version, you can use workaround)

    Run below command in Terminal

    Orion Beta
    defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

    Orion RC
    defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS.RC WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

    And relaunch Orion.

    Let us know if this fixes the issue you were facing these days.

Vlad stickied the discussion .
    • Standard tabs
    • macOS 14.5 Beta (23F5049f)

    Thinking back about the times when I had this issue it's plausible that it gets triggered by interacting with a tab too fast.

    127.1 had a different freezing issue that also was a lot more frequent, I would prefer not to roll back to it.

      • Standard tabs
      • macOS 14.4.1

      The tab freeze was present in 127.1 and still occurs in 127.2, although less frequently. I confirm that the trigger (not deterministically reproducible though) of this bug is scrolling while the page is still loading.

      After new update links on sites become unclickable after a while.
      A reset browser but same stuf is happening.
      Latest Mac OS, mac mini m1

      Links that works


      Sonoma (14)

        I also experience this behavior routinely on iOS (presently 1.3.7 (15) running on iOS 17.3.1, but this has happened for months across several system and app updates).

        Usually the interface also stops responding to taps. Force-quitting and restarting the app is the only solution that I’ve found.

          I have seen this since updating to Version on macOS Sonoma, it happens rarely (once per day), closing and reopening the tab solves it.

          @hale44 @guardiangate4110:

          1. What tab layout do you use?
          2. Did you experience freezing on the previous version (127.1; https://cdn.kagi.com/updates/14_0/127.1.zip you can roll back by installing this)?

          We have also noticed that opening a new page and instantly interacting with it (i.e. before it finishes loading) tends to result in an uninteractable tab more frequently.

          If anyone else has any useful information or would simply like to provide data by answering the two questions above, it'd be valuable to figuring out what is causing this.

          I have experienced plenty of tabs "freezing"/becoming uninteractable on 127.2 but none of the issues exist on 127.1 which I am daily driving until a solution is found. I use the compact tab layout.

            I'm not entirely sure what's causing it but it's not just links, you can't interact with anything on the page including search boxes. It's as if it froze but you just can't interact with it in any way. I have to open a new tab because even refreshing the page doesn't fix it.

            Merged 6 posts from Unclickable links on website.

              Cmd + W (Close Window) doesn't work either when it freezes

                I will say that I have not had this issue in a while, so I don't know that changed.

                  I have this issue too, with only clicks and hover effects not working, but scrolling and keyboard input works

                  Likely related settings:

                  Open external links in Preview (hold * to open in new tab) disabled
                  Version (WebKit 619.1.1)
                  2020 13" m1 mbp
                  Sonoma 14.4 (23E214)

                    can someone please share more details about current issue (and a recorded video if possible), like

                    • Is page scrolling works?
                    • what if you switch to other window or tabs?
                    • can you navigate the page using keyboard?
                    • can you navigate back/forward?
                    • is back/forward navigation gesture working?
                    • is page zooming working?
                    • what if you toggle compatibility mode?
                    • is the issue reproducible on clean profile?

                      on Sonoma 14.1.2,

                      I had this happen on one site yesterday. (tab type is vertical. or is the question something else?)

                      • other tabs worked
                      • close the tab and open the same site in a new tab, then it was ok

                        dino When I had the issue, I could scroll, I could change tabs and everything would work normally, but changing back left the same behavior. I could open a new tab and everything would be ok. I also only ever had it happen on Google. Nothing else ever did it. Compatiblity mode did nothing, neither did refreshing the page in any way. I don't remember about the rest of it.


                          • scrolling works
                          • switching to other tabs / windows work fine, but switching back to the frozen tag again doesn't unfreeze it
                          • i can navigate using keyboard
                          • back / forward navigation works, but the previous page will also be frozen
                          • zooming works
                          • compatibility mode doesn't solve the issue


                            If page scrolling works?

                            Scrolling works as expected.

                            what if you switch to other window or tabs?

                            Other tabs and windows work as expected. Switching to another tab and back does not fix the issue.

                            can you navigate the page using keyboard?

                            Yes, navigating with spacebar and arrow keys works as expected.

                            can you navigate back/forward?


                            is page zooming working?


                            what if you toggle compatibility mode?

                            This does not solve the issue. Once a tab is in the semi-unresponsive state, toggling compatibility mode on reloads the tab as expected but the tab remains in an unresponsive state.

                            is the issue reproducible on clean profile?

                            Still working on this. I have noticed that the tab is frozen when I switch back to it. Perhaps someone can use this to find a reliable way of reproducing this issue.

                            Additional information:
                            text cannot be selected, right clicking does not open the context menu


                            Is page scrolling works?

                            Not really? If I scroll, the changes are rendered only after I change the tabs back and forth

                            what if you switch to other window or tabs?

                            It renders if I switch back

                            can you navigate the page using keyboard?

                            Nothing changes there, so, no?

                            can you navigate back/forward?

                            No, both arrows are disabled (not sure if it's a fresh tab or not)

                            is back/forward navigation gesture working?


                            what if you toggle compatibility mode?

                            It reloads the page but the stuff is still inaccessible.

                            is the issue reproducible on clean profile?

                            Dunno haven't checked as this happens randomly.


                            tried disabling this thing, didn't help.
                            With "external links" disabled and rendering at 60 fps this issue still exists for me.

                              Got that thing on Twitch:

                              • The video container works
                              • the video plays
                              • cursor disappears when it goes over the video container
                              • the chat gets updated
                              • Pressing spaces seems to be doing both pausing/resuming the video and scrolling the page at the same time(?)

                                same/similar issue here: changing the focus, i.e. a simple click on the desktop followed by switching back to the browser temporarily fixes the issue whenever it happens.

                                  It happened just now! And I got some memory samples for you! (And wow we have a really complex call graph 😂)


                                  By the way, my experience with the bug is basically the same as Haarolean's.

                                  Are there any estimates for this issue? I'm at the point where my current installation doesn't work due to tabs freezing consntantly and I can't even downgrade due to previous version constantly crashing.

                                    I've seen unclickable tax happen on Twitter.

                                      New info: Inspector opened from the developer menu seems to work. I can't click on the page, but I can click on the inspector.

                                      Had an Orion WebApp freeze like this for the first time.

                                      1. Create a webapp for Discord
                                      2. Launch it
                                      3. While the Discord loading animation plays, resize the window
                                      4. Step 3 has a good chance of resulting in the webapp being in a frozen state. This, however, was not 100% consistent.

                                        New info: Using the accessibility inspector from Xcode, I can interact with the window. In this screenshot, I open a context menu.

                                        WindWalker Same here. It happens on the current version( more frequently.

                                          Happened for me on Version (WebKit 619.1.1). I was just browsing https://www.darktable.org. Really makes Orion unusable for me because I don't want to risk e.g. starting to fill out a form only for the page to become unresponsive.

                                          Happened to me on (WebKit 619.1.1) just now: I clicked a link on a website, then I used the Back button and now I can't click anything on the website anymore. (Reading and scrolling works just well.) I have it happen on Bandcamp quite often though, which is especially annoying as not being able to play anything on Bandcamp (kind of) defeats the reason to use Bandcamp.

                                            Is this reproducible to the Orion devs in the meantime - meaning are we on the road to get that fixed?

                                              Passing this on from our Discord, anybody who is facing website freezing randomly in 127.2 we got a workaround (as we got the root cause, so until we release new version, you can use workaround)

                                              Run below command in Terminal

                                              Orion Beta
                                              defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

                                              Orion RC
                                              defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS.RC WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

                                              And relaunch Orion.

                                              Let us know if this fixes the issue you were facing these days.

                                                Applied the workaround. I'll report if it happens again.

                                                @dino Despite running those commands I encountered a frozen tab. Will continue monitoring the situation. Overall it seems to happen significantly less frequently.

                                                For what it's worth, it seems all my frozen tabs have happened on websites that continuously refresh (think discord or a forum/imageboard where new messages are loaded seamlessly without requiring the user to refresh the page)