• Randomly, when I open websites I can't click on any URL or button or interact with the website at all.

  • I can go to a different website and the issue persists.

  • Opening another tab works. The tab in which it happened won't work anymore for any other website.

  • Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it easily - however, I thought it would be worthwhile dropping it here. Maybe someone else has the same issue.

  • This shouldn't happen.


Sonoma (14)

    I've seen this as well, not reproduceable though.

      I've ran into it as well. I have yet to find a pattern though.

        Also getting this a lot, but no identifiable pattern.

          I don't know how to replicate it. The bug just happens randomly. After upgrading to this RC, sometimes all the pages in the window stop responding to mouse clicks. Only scroll works. I need to reopen the window to fix this.


          Sonoma (14)

          Do you have any extensions installed? I have encountered this as well but so far disabling my extensions has (temporarily) solved the issue for me. nevermind, just had it happen. Curiously, several tabs (but not all) were affected at the same time. Websites included YouTube and Yahoo Finance.

          Some other examples of websites where this happens would also be very helpful!

            laiz I don't remember the sites affected by this. But I remember I also had a Google login popup window affected by this. I will write them down next time this happens.

              I have noticed this as well on random websites like hexdocs.pm (light on JavaScript) and messenger.com (heavy on JavaScript).

                Still encountering this on Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                That has been something I have experienced on and off for a while. It almost always happens when I am searching something on google. Then, most of the time I can copy the link and paste it into a new tab and it will be fine.

                  I am experiencing the same thing, it happens way to often to be ignored unfortunately. Have not seen any pattern in this. It affects one tab for me, and closing the window and opening it again resolves it.

                  It just hapepned in YouTube, and navigating to other tabs didn't fix it. I had to close the tab and make a new one. This bug is a showstopper for me 🙁

                    It happened on Discord today. Even after I quit Orion and reopened it, I still can't click on the page. Only scroll works. Interestingly, right-click also doesn't work. I can't bring up the context menu.

                    I also tried to clear all data for Discord, still does not work. I even can't click on the login page.

                      Sounds like a serious issue with zero way to reproduce. We will be waiting for a case.

                        It appears that this issue occurs more frequently when navigating backward. This can happen either when clicking the "previous" button on the toolbar or when using the swipe gesture. But it also happens in other situations. I'm not sure.

                          Megabits The only time it happens for me is when I search Google, I've never had it happen when naigating backwards.

                            I got a way to reproduce this issue with a new profile. And yes, just opening a new tab and copying the URL solves the issue. It seems like the tab is dead. You just need to use the back and forth button (I use my mouse for that) a couple of times. If it helps, I can also try to record it with visible keystrokes.

                            Orion Version (WebKit 619.1.1)
                            macOS 14.3 (23D56)

                              oxi_moron Yes I can confirm that this happens randomly on every webpage for me. It happens e.g. on Amazon and Seeking Alpha. I can't click anything, the tab is dead.

                              • Vlad replied to this.
                                6 days later
                                Merged 14 posts from Sometimes the page does not respond to mouse clicks..