Vlad I don't use Discord and had the issue on multiple sites. The bug is different from the previous one.

Previously the website would be scrollable but the links would not be clickable, now the issue is that the website is frozen directly on load. No scrolling possible.

    Vlad It happens like once per day or so for me, unfortunately no steps to reproduce. It seems random.

      FYI here is another video of what it looks like for me on the latest RC [Version (WebKit 619.1.1) Build date May 11 2024 MacBook Air (macOS Catalina 10.15.7 build 19H2026)]

      In this case the scrollbars don't work (either by trackpad or manually) but clicking on links works. Refresh didn't fix the problem but new windows opened with the same link were fine.

      Happy to do more tests next time. Also happy to capture a process sample or similar next time but not sure how to pick out the Orion Web Content process for the window having the problem. At least on my Catalina system it doesn't show the URL in the process list. Then not sure the main or Graphics Media processes would be helpful?

        The issue is unfortunately not fixed for me either. I noticed a weird behaviour when the scroll stops working. If you scroll on a stuck tab, you won't see it, but if you switch to another tab and then go back to the stuck tab, the scroll that you did before switching will have been applied.

        This obviously doesn't fix subsequent scrolls, but I mention it in case it can help figure out what the issue is.

        I've had it happen on YouTube and GitLab.

          I'm also making a browser app using WKWebView. And I got the exact same bug. It's definitely an Apple issue. I'm trying to figure out how to reproduce it. I'll update my findings here.

            Vlad stickied the discussion .

              On my own demo app. I can reproduce this bug by redirecting the WKWebView between ChatGPT and a simple page back and forth. Using .load(_ urlRequest). Then it will happen at a magical time.

              But on the Orion( (Not 3.1), I can't reproduce this bug by doing this. (I mean save these two pages as bookmarks. And click them.)

              I remember when I first updated to, I still encountered this bug. But I didn't have this bug in the last 3 days.

              What about everyone? Have you experienced this bug in the past 3 days?

              This is my demo app. As you can see, at the end of the video, The mouse can no longer click on the WKWebView. The mouse did not even show as a "hand" cursor. It can be triggered on my Intel and M1 Mac, but can't on my friend's M1 Pro.

                Vlad Not yet. I'm also trying to build WebKit from source to see if the latest Webkit has this problem.

                  It seems I was able to trigger it in the latest RC. Can anyone else confirm?

                  Edit: The website was having network issues so maybe a different issue was triggered. Will continue to test and update my findings.

                    12 days later

                    I can confirm that the latest update brought some kind of huge bug. Certain tabs refuse to load fully and become incredibly slow. Orion starts to lag a great deal to the point that it starts changing focus to other tabs by itself, stops responding to keyboard shortcuts, etc. Frankly, it makes the browser completely unusable.

                    This site just refuses to work for me: https://developer.apple.com/design/resources/

                    I also recorded a video that might be helpful: https://share.cleanshot.com/NdXYQtM4

                    Here's the version and build of Orion: Version (WebKit 619.

                    Vlad unstickied the discussion .
                      a month later

                      Unresponsive tabs seem to happening a lot more since upgrading to version 0.99.128-beta (WebKit 619. a few days ago.

                        wincent Interesting I don't think I've had an unresponsive tab situation since upgrading to and I haven't seen it yet on Version 0.99.128 (granted it's only been 3 days so knock on wood...). I mainly use Orion on Catalina and Mojave.

                          I'm also seeing tabs become unresponsive still after upgrading to 0.99.128-beta (WebKit 619.

                          It shows up as the cursor disapearing, the highlight color becoming muted and typing not working correctly in all tabs. The mouse cursor also does not change when hovering over links.

                          Tabs are still mostly usable, but without a cusor it's hard to know where you're typing.

                          I'd previously used the workaround, but it seems like that user proference has been removed now so it's likely not having an effect anymore.

                            @matt-oakes I have also seen the behaviour you are describing but it would be best to create a new issue for it since it's not the same as this issue, which was a different kind of unresponsive.