• Using languages other than English causes elements to be displayed outside (translations UI)

  • BugsDesktopMobileDone
Merged 1 post from Text wider than window in Passwords section (Dutch translation).
    Vlad changed the title to Using languages other than English causes elements to be displayed outside (translations UI) .
      2 months later

      In German the "Don't use" button of the "suggested password window" is cut off.

      1. Register for any website
      2. In the password field: Open drop down via key 🔑 Icon
      3. Choose "Suggest New Password"
      4. Click on the inserted password to open the "Don't use" window depicted in the screenshots

      The text above the buttons is cut off as well for German language. I assume this to be the case for any language that uses mor space than Englisch?

      Button not cut off

      Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)

      Monterey (12)

      • Vlad replied to this.

        I wouldn't know how this would help. The translation is fine as far as I can see. And what could I do anyways? Butcher the translation until it fits the pop up window? How would I even verify that it fits and doesn't get cut off still?!

        I don't think this is the way to go about this issue. It's not top priority, I know, but the proper way would be to handle the pop up window's size contextually, wouldn't it? At least Safari seems to do so:

          adkiem Correct, that would be preferred. Unfortuantely insane amount of work, as there are hundreds of UI elements across the app and thus I suggested a quick fix.

            Merged 4 posts from Password recommendation window: "Don't use" button cut off in German..

              Vlad I took a look at the translation.

              First, there is no really shorter translation for "Don't use" button except for using maybe a simple "No". The "Use Strong Password" button could be changed to just "Use" so you'd have "Don't use" and "Use".

              But I think it is better to keep it the way it is and wait until contextual window size is implemented because in this case I assume that a) people know what decisions the two buttons reflect and b) that it's better to keep a correct and better translation instead of creating a scenario where a bad or ambigues translation get's dragged along although contextual window size is already implemented.

              Second, especially for the long text above the buttons the above mentioned issues remains: I wouldn't know for sure if the new translation then fits.

              And I am sorry to say this, but I am a little disappointed - with Orion (not in general but measured on what you claim it to be on it's website) and also with my experience here on orionfeedback.

              First I was really keen on trying this "Safari-equal but even more efficient and privat" Browser as your website claims. But so far I discovered little and not so little things that just don't measure up to the original, but that's the expectation you create with the way you introduce Orion.

              This is not an issue per se and I am (or at least was) eager to take my time to write thorough reports or feature requests to support this endeavour and it is great to have such a direct contact to development. But from your answers it sometimes feels like what I report is unwelcome or not important compared to other issues (and it very well might not be!). I take my time to report things in a thorough and understandable fashion but the answers (and not only regarding my reports) sometimes make me feel like what I posted was not red thoroughly and they read sloppy and arrogant at times. I understand that this surely might be because of the workload and the fact that you are a very small team of (16 I believe?) developers and that I also might be wrong with my assumptions, but this makes it hard to want to contribute none the less.

                adkiem I understand you. And I wish I was in poistion to like you have thoughtful and long response for every feedback we receive. However we are at disadvantage here comapared to you.

                For you this is one report now and maybe never again. I on the other hand have written a response for every comment on this site, something I have been doing every single day for the past two years. Check my profile - I have written over 6000 comments on this site alone (and we have another one for kagi search product, where I am also the only one responding). Now imagine time you will need to write 6 comments. Then imagine 60. Then imagine what it feels like to write 600. 6000 is super human effort.

                If you or any other human can keep the same level of thoughtfulness and depth after that many comments, while also running a company trying to make worlds best browser and search engine, I salute you, I am just not capable. Also if you can find a CEO of a company that is doing a better job at this than me, I'd like to learn from them.

                Obviously this is my and not your problem, and you have the right to demand more (especially if you are a paying customer). My goal with this comment is to explain that we are not lazy or ignorant, and the result you see is a result of best effort attempt.

                I still read and respond to every single comment, and while the response may be short and direct, I am also trying to be practical and triage between tens and sometimes hundreds of reports we get every single day.

                The problem of quality exists though and it goes as far as I am thinking of making this board open to only people who paid for Orion, so we can reduce the number of reports we get so that we can give each the attention they deserve.

                Hope this will give you perspective from the other side of coin. I also hope that our passion for this project and community still comes through, despite your dissapointiment with the way your issue was treated.

                2 months later

                I feel the inexplicable assumption that the buttons in the Orion app on the iPhone have fixed sizes that are neither orientated to the resolution nor to the respective language (here: German), is that possible? 😏

                (The word is "Bearbeiten", some of the favorites were deliberately blurred).

                I'd prefer to have the "Bearbeiten" button not truncated.

                1.3.6 (2)


                  Merged 1 post from Layout issue on the default start page when using the German translation.
                    6 months later
                    No one is typing