Support Stylus
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Vlad , no I meant Stylus, the extension. It's the main reason I don't use Safari. (75,000 users) (600k users)
At the moment, I can't edit any of my styles without the browser creashing (used to be able to) - so I've had to turn them all off for now.
I can sometimes edit styles, on Orion (WebKit 615.1.16.1); it seems to work best if I right-click the Stylus icon in the toolbar, click Options, then close the options window and edit a style. If I left-click the Stylus icon and click the edit button next to a style, it seems to pretty consistently hang/crash the browser.
Can confirm that Stylus is still very broken on Orion Actually more so than I remember it being a few versions ago.
The quick way of disabling/enabling styles, through clicking on the extension icon to access the list of styles for the current site, seemingly just doesn't work at all anymore. Unchecking just visually unchecks the box (without actually changing anything) until the page is reloaded or the same site is opened on another tab. Disabling and enabling the extension seems to usually get changes to apply but is quite hacky.
Editing styles is completely broken most of the time. Stylus's built in editor is essentially a coin flip on whether text field input and typing will be completely broken everywhere in the browser (just happened to me while testing and writing this - couldn't even select text or see the usual typing cursor) or simply clicking anything except browser chrome will require a double click to register (this is the more common outcome in my experience). This includes closing the Stylus editor tab as well. I'm not sure how exactly Stylus is capable of doing it, but it can completely break fundamental parts of browser functionality with the only fix I know of being a hard restart of Orion.
My short term half solution is to edit any styles in a copy of Stylus in Chromium and import them into Stylus on Orion, which technically works but is time consuming and obviously not ideal.
I had troubles with the beta too, but now Stylus (from the firefox extension store) works for me on I haven't pushed it very hard, though. I tend to keep my style tweaks minimal.
Interesting, checking for updates and I'm still on the beta. Fingers crossed the RC does fix the issue.
Stylus doesn't even show installed styles anymore, even though there definite is one installed.
This is supposed to show a list of installed styles.
Here's the extension dropdown when I have the Mastodon tab in focus, showing that there is in fact a style installed for this URL.
Mastodon's default UI is terrible, so it would be really nice to be able to use Stylus to fix it.
Hmm. I don't quite see what you see. Instead, what happened to me is that all my installed styles vanished when I upgraded to the latest RC, and I had to install them again. Annoying, yes, but managable (since I onle have a small handful of them).
hanche It just doesn't work at all for me. The installed style does nothing to affect my mastodon server, even though it works perfectly fine in Firefox. So I must assume it's an Orion incompatibility with Stylus itself.
LoraFriedenthal For what it's worth, I installed Stylus from the Firefox store. Did you get yours from the Chrome store?
I don't know if this is relevant here, but one new thing happened with the latest update (Version This is the first update in quite some time that didn't blow away my Stylus styles! With previous upgrades, I had to install them afresh, but not this time.
After upgrading to Version, the Stylus styles did not disappear. May this happy state of affairs continue!
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Stylus (Firefox extension) has stopped working in the latest RC (Version (WebKit 619.1.1)). More precisely:
The various user interface menus and buttons are all there, but all installed styles are gone. Moreover, no action is possible. The bits showing and hiding parts of the Stylus menus work, but hit a button to install a style, or to import styles from a backup, and nothing at all happens. (Except the button gives a tiny feedback indicating that it was actually clicked.)
Closer specification of nothing at all:
- Try to create a new style: The user interface for doing so does not appear.
- Try to import styles from backup: The file picker dialog does not show, as it should.
If it matters, I have only two extenstions installed. The other is Bitwarden from the Chrome store.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the extension did not help.
hanche can you share a video? as we are unable to reproduce this issue.
Try to create a new style: The user interface for doing so does not appear.
Unable to reproduce (screenshot attached)
Try to import styles from backup: The file picker dialog does not show, as it should.
Unable to reproduce (screenshot attached)