
You could probably do a sheet overlay similar to Arc's, probably a bit smaller though. Its large enough that the website will look about right, and small enough that it doesn't look like a full navigation.

Example (from here)

There are pretty distinct use cases for Arc's Peek vs Little Arc window:

Peek is for in-context pages that don't take over the primary function of the current browser view. From a UX perspective, this creates object persistence – I know if I click on a link that my browser window is still dedicated to the original URL (Gmail, Slack, whatever I pin, which tells the browser "I want this to stick around"). My original URL is still there, under the link I just clicked.

Little Arc is for links directed tied to external apps – they don't interrupt the current browser view but its purpose is tied to links from external apps (open from Mail, Reeder, etc.), not links opened from within Orion itself.

They're different mental modals – very similar, but tied to the originating URL or external app. It doesn't work if you use the same window/view for both as that mixes models and would make things confusing. I know if I click on a link from outside Arc where it will open, and it won't change any of my current browser windows.

Basically, If Peek is active, I know any links I click won't affect that current window. I know if I click on any links within a pinned tab/saved domain [i.e. mail.google.com] where they will open (in peek) over my current session.

if Little Arc is present, I know any links I open from external apps won't disrupt my existing browser windows. I know when I click an external link where it will open and I know whatever tabs/windows I have open won't change.

Ultimately, it comes down to persistence (I know whatever I was doing won't change because I clicked on a link) and predictability (I know where a link will open).

So if both of these were implemented:

URL Modal window (what Peek could be called in Orion) - any links clicked on a pinned tab will open in a modal-style overlay. It creates a temporary new session in that modal that goes away if I close the peek window (Xing it) or hit another key like ESC. I can move the current URL in Peek to a full browser window if I want to continue working on that "branch".

Temporary browser window (Little Arc in Orion): any links clicked from external apps open in a browser window with only basic chrome (maybe back/forward/refresh and access to extensions - no address bar). Any external links (or links in the temporary browser window) I click on will take over whatever's in the temporary browser window. I can merge the temporary browser's URL into my current window/tabs if I want it to stick around. This closes the temporary browser window and opens a new tab/browser window, depending on current settings).

    9 days later

    We are always looking for most minimal viable ask.

    So far to repeat my previous thoughts

    "Looks like the MVP of the ask would be to add the ability to open quick look with shift, via a setting in the Browsing section and the shift modifier in the menu (nice one!)."

    Other arbitrary things that Arc does like opening links in pinned windows (why?) etc would not fall under this.

    The issue of shift click already usied for adding to the reading list remains:

    "Note that Orion (like Safari) already uses shift + click modifier to add items to the reading list. This is a native feature and is useful to add a number of links quickly to the reading list (I use it on hacker news front page often)."

    This also does not include "Little arc" because from what I've seen Little Arc already has so much browser chrome that Orion main browser window is already more minimal than it is (because default ARc is so crowded with controls) so there is no need to create something more 'minimal'. This is where we are with this, let us know if this needs to be changed/altered.

      12 days later

      Before reading this thread, I never heard of Arc's Peek feature, but I use macOS force-touch URL quick look a lot. Only issues I have with system implementation are the lack of navigation inside and the weird size of the preview window, I even find myself scrolling page to position the link so it wouldn't shrink too much.

      If Orion provides a better Quick Look / Preview / Peek / you name it experience for that exact scenario, opening a smaller version of a webview without leaving current tab, but makes it better by allowing to navigate inside and promote it to a full tab if needed, I'd be very happy with it.


        I thought that by here, the implementation details were basically understood, and an implementation would be possible

        5 months later

        Current implementation in latest RC looks like this:

        Some suggestions:

        1. rounded corners for the web view
        2. option to open (replacing the tab) along with open in new tab.
        3. Loading progress bar

        Otherwise, great implementation.


          I wanted to suggest 1 and 2 as-well.

          1. one thing tho is that i went to check, and the default force touch preview in Mac Os doesn't have round corners. it looks similar to the new Orion preview. but round corners was my first thought aswell

          2. Agree. i would just have the default "fullscreen" button replace current web-view instead of opening in a new tab (like Arc). Then have a second button for open in new tab without going to that tab, Similar to "Open Link in New Tab" in the right click menu.

          Reason why this is useful is that if you have a list of links that you need to go trough and figure out which you can use. its annoying being send to that tab and then have to go to back to the original tab to continue going trough the list.

          • gp replied to this.

            One minor suggestion - the pop-up appears to lose its content and appear transluscent on the first move of the pop-up window. After that first move, it moves while preserving content.


              On point 2, the only thing I wonder about for this is how to visually distinguish the buttons for the different use-cases.

              The current behaviour is quite nice (IMHO) now I know how it works (although I'd prefer to background the tab as you suggest) - I wouldn't want to "replace" my current tab generally, but I'd like a way to open something as a new background tab - i.e. using preview to decide if a site is worth reading, then promoting it to a tab to be looked at now it is clear it's relevant.


                I can also live with current behavior and open link in new background tab AKA Open Link in New Tab (when right clicking) Main thing for me is just to have the option to create a new tab that i dont have to deal with immediately after previewing it. So i can continue looking trough the list undisturbed

                I would just go with the icon iOS uses:

                • Vlad replied to this.


                  Btw another thing with the video you posted, is that the little arrow thing that is suppose to point to the link you are previewing is pointing at a different post.

                  Looks like the arrow is pointing to where the mouse where when the preview is opened, and since you opened it from options menu, it goes the wrong place

                    Longely I would think that its just easier to get the mouse location. Not a big issue

                    With the buttons, how many should there be? As I see it, we could have

                    • Replace the current tab
                    • Open in new tab
                    • Open in the background

                    iOS Safari gives you #1 but makes you choose betwen 2 and 3. However, I think all three have valid use cases and all three should be added. They just need different icons.

                    Longely I would suggest this being a separate feature suggestion, do not pile on this thread as we are consdiering it done and want to close it 🙂


                      Well im kinda not, im feedbacking TheOtherKai's suggestions, which i agree with. but sure

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        Longely Sure - this feature suggestion was never a part of the original ask, so it should be in a new post.

                          a month later
                          5 months later

                          How's going with this task feature request? I'm requested something similar in my latest request..

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                            No one is typing