• I have 10 tab groups with a total of 200 tabs. Each time I close and restart the browser my tab order is messed up.

  • BugsDesktopPlanned

I wasn't aware having many tabs open could be the problem

    pingiun Try reproducing it with just a pinned tab and start page, and you come to my world trying to reproduce the issue as you wrote it 🙂

      It seems tabs open at the end of my tab list now instead of the start so I'm unable to reproduce this

        5 months later

        Not sure if it the same, but I getting tabs' mess after Orion is restarted. The strange is that this not quite stable behaviour. I can reproduce it with 50/50 chance.

        My steps to reproduce is:

        1. Create new window, and a tree of tabs (like 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,, 1.2, 1.3), and close the browser
        2. Open the browser
        3. Click all tabs from bottom to top
        4. Ctrl-Tab from the top

        So in step 3 it will cycle either 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1.1,, or 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,, 1.2, 1.3.
        If one will restart the browser, it could cycle in different order (one of these two).

          Here is the screencast. First attempt with correct behaviour, second with incorrect.

          a year later
          Merged 11 posts from Switching from vertical tabs and back again messes up tab order.
            7 days later

            I also seem to be hitting the original issue from this thread with large tab count windows and tab groups.

            My specific scenario was this, using the latest Orion RC ( on macOS Sonoma:

            • Tab Group A has a very large number of tabs and trees, 90+, and I decide I want to split it up into two separate tab groups, A and B
            • I create Tab Group B and start moving tabs and trees to it by right clicking and using "move tab" for single tabs or "move tree" for trees
            • By the end of this process, Tab Group B is mostly the exact tabs and trees from A in the right order that I expected them
            • For some unrelated reason, I restart the Orion RC browser on my Macbook.
              • While Orion RC is closed, there is still technically Orion iOS open on my iPhone, and (perhaps importantly) an instance of non-RC Orion open on the same Macbook (which I use for a single focus window for messenger.com).
            • Open reopening Orion RC:
              • Tab Group A now has all of the same 90+ tabs it had open before I started the initial process, in a jumbled order and without proper tree structure; i.e. trees have been flattened and shuffled.
              • Tab Group B still has the right set of tabs, but with the same flattening and shuffling problem
              • Similarly, both Tab Groups had some pinned tabs that are no longer pinned after Orion RC is reopened.

            I'd rather not try to get a screencast of this scenario, as it was a (very mild) trauma to try and repair it the first time 🙂 suffice to say that the very first screencast shared on the original issue here seems like an accurate small-scale representation of what happened to me. However, if there has been enough change since then that a new screencast is necessary, let me know and I can do my best to assist.

            EDIT: Installed RC today, and while some tabs did get reordered, it seems like everything stayed in the right window group and my trees weren't flattened after the reboot. Unsure if this is related to a fix in the new RC

              2 months later

              In my case, I don't have that many tabs open, just one window with 20 tabs. I can easily reproduce this by opening some tabs right before exiting the browser.

              In my video:

              Tabs before the relaunch:

              1. twitter
              2. youtube
              3. cocaine bear
              4. twitter

              after the relaunch:

              1. cocaine bear
              2. twitter
              3. twitter
              4. unrelated tabs in the middle - (unrelated, but bug #6912)
              5. youtube

              hope this helps

                3 months later

                Following up on this thread again, because despite some related issues (namely the pinned tab variant of this) being reported as fixed in the last release, my tabs still get randomized every single time I restart the browser, like, barely any resemblance at all to how they were when I closed the browser.

                I don't have any kind of special setup, with tab groups and what not. I have 3 pinned tabs (which I've never seen reordered, but I digress), and generally between 100-150 tabs open in one group.

                Here's what I have observed:

                • The tabs that are primarily "randomized" are those that are active when the browser is exited.
                • Suspended tabs seem to preserve their relative order, but their absolute order is affected by the apparent randomization of the active tabs.
                • I cannot reproduce in a new profile, at least not trivially. So this has something to do with long-lived profiles. Unfortunately, that makes it a lot harder to troubleshoot, but I think it explains why it has been so easy to dismiss as being resolved. The thing is, there isn't any obvious way to "repair" a profile once this starts happening, i.e. it keeps happening to me and I have no idea what to do short of rebuilding a profile from scratch and hoping that actually fixes it, and that I don't just end up hitting the issue again at some point. If I was the only one seeing this, I'd just do that anyway, but this seems to happen on a recurring basis, so I'm doubtful that's an actual fix.

                So I think I just want to make sure that whoever is looking/will look into this, is aware that it might not be something you can trivially test for, at least not until some underlying cause is identified. I'm happy to run any tests/experiments/whatever you want, since it's easy for me to repro on my primary profile, but aside from that I guess there isn't much that can be done.

                  5 days later

                  @Vlad Sorry for the delay, finally had a little time where I could record what this looks like.

                  You will probably have to pause before/after to note how various tabs have moved around. I should also mention that I had most of my tabs suspended here, since I only restored a subset of them after the last time I restarted the browser, so I don't know to what degree that affects the results, but I had enough active that you can still see how it moves them around arbitrarily. This time the randomization wasn't too bad, at least most of the recent tabs I had open were still visible on screen, but that's not always the case, some times it mixes tabs up to the point where half the tabs I had open are up at the top of the tab list, off screen - though I've made more of a habit of suspending tabs in recent times, and that seems to have tempered those cases considerably.

                  Let me know if I can provide any additional assistance!

                    It looked like this was fixed, but I still experience that some of the first pinned tabs in a tab group move around every now and then in version Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

                      Merged 2 posts from Pinned tabs reordered on start.
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