It seems like I can't reproduce my issue with the favicons in the latest RC anymore 🙂

    2 months later

    I did some tests. and found several problems with Orion and Favicons.

    some websites have different favicon depending on if the system is in dark mode or not. GitHub is one example.
    that is to avoid having black icon on dark background.

    If you visit github in light mode. and then the system swith to dark mode, Orion will remember favicon from light mode instead of checking for a new favicon. resulting in this:

    Makes it very hard to tell what website you have open, It will keep that favicon even if you open a new tab and go to the site

    I think this is related to 2. mentioned by eirk futher up. so unlike website titles that dynamically change in Orion favicons are static, so i guess tittles do checks all the time so the tittle update, favicons should do the same

    Discord is a good example:

    Tittle change, Favicon does not.

    I did this script you can copy into a Programmable Button. that will display what favicon should be shown:

    var favicon = document.querySelector('link[rel="icon"]') || document.querySelector('link[rel="shortcut icon"]');
    var faviconUrl = favicon.href;
    var faviconImage = document.createElement('img');
    faviconImage.src = faviconUrl;
    faviconImage.style.position = 'fixed';
    faviconImage.style.top = '10px';  // Adjust the position as needed
    faviconImage.style.left = '10px';  // Adjust the position as needed
    faviconImage.style.zIndex = '9999';  // Set a high z-index to ensure it's displayed on top
    faviconImage.style.pointerEvents = 'none';  // Make it non-interactive

    That script shows this icon:

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open Twitter/Youtube
    2. See the favicon

    Expected behavior:
    Normal quality of favicons

    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
    Orion RC (WebKit 616.
    macOS Version 13.4 (Build 22F66)


      Merged 2 posts from Low quality of favicons.

        I tested some more using the script i showed above.

        And i actually think that alot of the improper favicons are actually just due to Orion not updating them per page. the reason i suspect that is one of the examples here of a wrong favicon is IMDB



        When you visit IMDB in Orion and run the script it looks like this:

        But if you go in search bar on Safari and try type IMDB Siri suggestions shows this:

        And as soon as you enter the site the favicon changes to this:

        Which makes me bellieve that Siri is fetching the base URL favicon, and then updating it when it enters the site.

        So the reason why Orion displays the "wrong" favicon is because this update never happens.

        IFixit is another example.

        So bottom line is that fixing Orion updating favicons continuously would propably also fix most of the mentioned examples of "wrong" favicons.

        and fix this:


          Steps to reproduce:
          Open Google docs/slides/sheeys

          Expected behavior:
          Correct favicon per app

          Orion, OS version; hardware type:
          Version (WebKit 614.1.20)
          MacBook Pro M1 Pro (macOS Monterey 12.5.1 build 21G83)


            i believe this is bc orion allocates one favicon per root domain, instead of including other pages?

            Steps to reproduce:
            Open google docs, slides, or sheets

            Expected behavior:
            Correct favicons for each webapp

            Orion, OS version; hardware type:
            Version (WebKit 614.1.20), Macbook Pro M1 Pro (macOS Monterey 12.5.1 (21G83))


            these should be google sheets, google docs, and google docs.

              Merged 2 posts from Google Favicons are incorrect: google forms favicon shows for all google services.
                a month later

                Still in a thing in latest version of Orion (

                using Version 0.99.121-beta (WebKit 614.1.20)

                  3 months later

                  I can also confirm this to be an issue in the latest beta.

                    4 months later
                    Merged 6 posts from Google docs Favicons are incorrect.
                      10 days later

                      Steps to reproduce:

                      1. Add Perplexity to your favorites

                      Expected behavior:
                      To see good quality of favicon, for example, like Notion (see the screenshot)

                      Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                      App version: 1.2.9 (1) (WebKit 8615.
                      System version: 16.5.0
                      Device type: iPhone 11
                      Native bounds: (828.0, 1792.0)
                      Scale: 2.0
                      Regular tabs: 1/1/1/orion://newtab/
                      Private tabs: 0/0/0/(


                        Merged 1 post from Low quality of favicons for favorites.
                          18 days later
                          13 days later

                          This is only fixed partially in RC. I think one of the reasons its only partially is because this still doesnt work:


                          an example is github when going from light mode to dark mode, or the other way around

                          By using the script posted earlier i see that Orion remembers the dark mode favicon from the first time i visited the website, and never updates it when it changed

                          I speculate this will cause other issues aswell, as for instance fetching the discord unread favicon at the time of loading website. and then displaying that count regardless of how many unread you actually have.

                          So i think to only way to properly fix this is to also fix the other issue. i posted documentation of how firefox does it further up

                          • Vlad replied to this.

                            As far as i understand (no code master), it just checks for new favicon when specific events are fired. like url change or tittle change etc..