• Opening a pdf on the Canvas LMS website causes continuous reloading

  • BugsDesktopDone

THEGUB does this happen to you on every website with a pdf?

    Yup same for me on Canvas. Although not for every pdf on Canvas. Can't tell when it happens to me but look like it happens always with the same pdf's so probably something in that specific pdf will Orion make go crazy

      mazil Not really sure since Canvas is basically the only site I use which has this kind of pdf setup. But it's happened a couple other times on things like wordpress.

      THEGUB Post a public link of page where this can be reproduced.

        Vlad Sorry, can't think of any other examples (in public pages anyways) where this happens. It's highly possible as other repliers said here that the problem is confined to this site alone, but since the site works as intended in other major browsers, I'm sure something in Orion is not working as intended.

          Nope, we just need to be able to reproduce it.

            Merged 12 posts from Clicking on embedded pdfs causes website to constantly reload and crash.
              Merged 14 posts from Canvas page keeps refreshing automatically.

                Vlad sad. Can't figure out a public site that can reproduce this bug.

                  julesjulesjules Not BigFloppa, it was glossary that suggested this. He said to use the "try canvas page". Setting up an account should be free.

                  @Vlad I'd recommend setting up a teacher account so you have access to the back-end where you can create your own pages and such. From there, create a page with a link to any pdf or really probably any type of file would work so you can use the built in file viewer. It should be pretty user friendly and not too difficult to figure out. There are probably 20 or more different ways to go about using this built-in file viewer. I think all of canvas uses the same file viewer throughout so they should all be having the same problem, with hopefully the same solution. I'd be happy to walk you through a more detailed explanation if you need it, let me know how I can help.


                    GavinMunson Sorry, but no, I think BigFloppa's method is easiest as it doesn't even require making an account or uploading anything. @Vlad could go here and recreate the bug in about 10 seconds, so let's try not to make things harder for the devs. To repeat what was suggested earlier:

                    Go to https://canvas.instructure.com/login/canvas and select “Browse courses” on the top right, this should take you to the homepage and give you a few sample courses to pick from. To recreate the issue, go to the course called “Spreadsheet Automation” and then click on “Files”, click on “Class Examples” and it should take you to a folder containing a variety of files, click on, for example, “census_520.xls” which is the topmost file, do not download it, just click on it. The automatic refreshing should occur immediately. This is the case for most file previews such as .pdf files and .docx files (examples of .docx files can be found on the homepage under the course called “Video Mystery Shopping” and going into the “Files”). This issue makes it very hard to use canvas as many assignments require the use of file previews, and this constant refreshing makes it impossible to view any pages with previews.

                      9 days later

                      Steps to reproduce:
                      <Include steps to reproduce the bug; Did you try using Compatibility mode (https://help.kagi.com/orion/support-and-community/troubleshooting-webpage-issues.html)? Did you try using a clean Orion Profile? If applicable, does Safari behave in the same way?>

                      On any Cavas based course, view a student submission; whether .pdf or .docx, it still refreshes continually. On the latest update, the page will crash after refreshing a few times.

                      Expected behavior:
                      <What you expected to happen?>

                      Be able to view an embedded document.

                      Orion, OS version; hardware type:

                      Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1) Mac OS Ventura 13.1; Apple Silicon Based Mac

                      <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>

                        Merged 1 post from When viewing an embedded document on Cavas, Orion refreshes and sometimes crashes.

                          Issue must be something related to the file preview/renderer as it only happens when the page has a file preview module. Anyone got any workarounds yet or are we still stuck on using safari/chrome to open chrome?

                            Steps to reproduce:
                            <Include steps to reproduce the bug; Did you try using Compatibility mode (https://help.kagi.com/orion/support-and-community/troubleshooting-webpage-issues.html)? Did you try using a clean Orion Profile? If applicable, does Safari behave in the same way?>

                            Expected behavior:
                            <What you expected to happen?>

                            Orion, OS version; hardware type:

                            <Copy/paste or drag and drop to upload images or videos (up to 20MB)>