Hey, first of all, let me say thank you for an amazing product! I'm a new Orion user, I switched a week ago from Chrome, and so far I'm super happy with the experience, though I stumbled upon some usability issues.
I understand both points of view in this thread, and it makes sense that managing an open source project can be a full time job (or a multiple of those). At the same time, I thought I would share my experience. I'm a software engineer, not afraid to dig into the source code of an OSS project, to fix an issue that would improve my experience with a product. I wanted to do the same with Orion, where I was hoping to at least try to debug an issue I'm seeing with one of the extensions not working properly in Orion. The details of the issue are available here. Since the browser developer tools weren't very helpful in debugging this issue (devtools were crashing unexpectedly), I thought I would look at the source, to try to figure out what this issue might be related to, for example by checking what does the error message I saw in the devtools console mean in the context of the source code. So I Kagi'd for the "Orion source code", and that's how I found this thread.
Given all that, although I understand that maintaining OSS project could mean more work, in my case it would allow checking if the issue I'm experiencing is related to the Orion browser or the extension itself.
I really understand the anxiety that your development team might become overwhelmed with external requests if you release your source code. But maybe it would be worth considering prioritizing hiring someone who could be an open source community manager? A person that could be a link between the external community and the internal development team. One that could be the first pass filter on issues raised and PRs proposed. Someone who could present a distilled update on the OS chatter once a week to your development team. Preferably someone with a software development experience as well, so that they could answer technical questions that would no doubt arise from releasing your source code.
Anyway, thanks once more for a great product