I recently discovered your browser and I’m amazed about how much you have achieved so far with such a small team. However this is the only policy I do not agree on and the policy that is preventing me from becoming a supporter.
Making it open source would greatly increase the number of contributions you would receive and speed up the development process.
I’m sure a good amount of people like myself work in software development and would happily contribute with money and code.
But for me the most concerning issue with this not being open source is not that I don’t trust your privacy claims. But the software could have security issues, being closed source means this issues will be harder to detect as they cannot be found by source reviewing and thus to fix it, and instead can pose a risk as an exploit could be created and exploited even if it is closed source if the popularity increases and there is enough value for someone to exploit it.
Hope you instead reconsider this and make it open source as soon as possible. I will be happy to contribute monterarily as soon as you provide a deadline for this.