Sync profiles, extensions, settings and history across machines
I have several devices I use daily and it would be great to have settings and extensions synced as well to supported devices.
+1 would love this feature. It would make trying Orion on various devices much easier. One suggestion: Allow syncing of settings and extensions by Profile. That way I can create separate settings and extensions profiles for e.g. my MacBook vs. my iPhone since I tend to use a different set of extensions on each.
(splitting this off from per @Vlad's suggestion)
I would like to have a unified browser history across all devices. I currently have this with Firefox + Firefox mobile and losing this feature is the only thing keeping me from switching to Orion. I don't see the need to have history items associated with a particular device - it's all just history to me. I would also definitely not want history search to be segmented per device (so that I'd have to search history from each device to find a particular page that I viewed before).
It could be possible to have it all in one list, but for those who don't appreciate the lack of distinction, adding filters and/or mobile/desktop icons may be beneficial.
How would we show history from different deivces on desktop/mobile?
I think the current history view is effective, for desktop, just adding a "Cloud Synced" column to the table (along with "Visited", "Website", and "Address") with a little cloud icon on all the items synced from other devices. Or perhaps adding the cloud icon to the "Visited" entry if it was synced from another device, next to the timestamp data.
For mobile, the current history view is also effective, maybe it would be possible to put the same cloud icon before the synced item's name and address.
Hope these images are helpful, something like this is what I mean (obviously with better spacing on mobile).
wanderingnetizen Interesting. The cloud icon would not specify the device it is coming from?
Personally, I wouldn't care about having an icon at all, so much as just having sycned history in general, but for those who want the distinction, I think this would suffice. If you really wanted more clarity on where the history item is coming from, you could have a little desktop icon for when you're looking at synced history items on mobile, and a little mobile icon on synced history items when viewing history on desktop.
Now, if you're using Orion on multiple desktops/mobile devices, I'm not sure how you would distinguish that... but I feel like my suggestion is enough, at least as a start.
Any update on this? Really the only feature keeping me from using Orion as my primary browser!
only feature keeping me from using Orion as my primary browser
can you guys agree which is really the "one" feature so we can fix it. AS by looking on this board it looks like there are 2,000 such issues
Vlad i swear this is the only post where i have commented such a thing Other than that, there are a few bugs with ios browser which annoys me but yea other than that, a pretty great browsing experience.
i swear this is the only post where i have commented such a thing
It may be your only comment, but 100th time I read about "only feature" preventing someone from using Orion.
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Vlad There are hundreds of tiny quirks and bugs that stop people from using the browser. Every tiny thing counts for most people just like an engineered product that is tested to withstand environmental pressures and wear and tear. Consistency is key in the metal of a pen for example. Or a vacuum for this regard.
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Orion wether it's on Mac or iOS is almost the perfect app.
But I do miss the history syncing that's available on Chrome, Firefox or Vivaldi (and I guess most other browsers). It is so convenient to enter the first letter of an address you visited using iOS, being proposed once you use the browser on Mac.
Is it something planned ? Or even possible using iCloud ?
The other browsers use a proprietary system (with the creation of an account).
This is the only missing feature that prevents me to use Orion as my default browser on both Mac and iOS (such great pieces of software)
Is this feature working properly for people? My history still doesn't sync at all between devices (all Sync and iCloud permissions are enabled in both devices).