Brave has a new search engine at While it's still in beta, I've found it to be mostly good, and it might be worthwhile to add it to the list of default search engines in the preferences dropdown.
Add Brave Search to search engines dropdown
- Edited
If Brave Search gets added, I'd also suggest adding other search engines like StartPage and Qwant. I found a comprehensive search & suggestion URL list: (The table is somewhere on the linked forum thread. The link takes you slightly under the post, so scroll up.)
You can add a custom search engine via the "manage" option.
Adding Ecosia, Brave Search, Qwant and many other good alternatives might make the list very long.
Seems that there are more work to support different types of response in suggestions:
does not seem to be working.
The API is working but Orion is not displaying any suggestion.
Think this is done