hungryDev89 Note that in the meantime you can assign different icons to different profiles.

The approach we took has mutiple advantages as it allows for true sandboxing of data between profiles.

We are however open to discussion about changing this and are welcoming community feedback.

hungryDev89 If that change was made would you also expect all the profiles to be merged into a single Orion icon in the ⌘-Tab switcher?

    Hmm... I don't know as much about macOS's frameworks so correct me if Im wrong here, but is it possible to rework it as possibly either a menubar process or even a system process that isn't user facing? The end goal is to declutter but if it means sacrificing the ability to sandbox data then I'd rather keep the current implementation.

      adamaveray yes I believe so. I use alt-tab due to apples stubbornly flawed tabbing design so I totally forgot about this kind of scenario. If thats the case, I would also like to be able to switch between profiles using the ctrl - Tab feature but again this maybe going out of scope for the original idea here.

        hungryDev89 I don't think it's technically possible on macOS for an app to present as a single item in the dock while having multiple entries in the ⌘Tab switcher (apps can hide their dock icon but I am fairly sure that also removes them from the ⌘Tab switcher so they become only accessible via clicking, Mission Control, etc - not via the keyboard) so the only options are either the current Orion implementation of each profile as a separate app therefore accessible from anywhere with ⌘Tab, or making profiles separate windows of the one unified Orion app instance therefore accessible with ⌘~ after first activating Orion.

        Worth keeping in mind that while you might find the macOS ⌘Tab vs ⌘~ window navigation system (stubbornly?) flawed many people – myself included – vastly prefer it to e.g. the Windows approach of no distinction between apps and windows. Similarly I find multiple icons in the dock a benefit not a negative in addition to the functionality Orion's profiles being separate app instances provides including independent toolbar layouts, tab arrangements, app icons, preferences, etc, so whatever approach they choose will inevitably disappoint some people.

        I guess it's up to the community to decide which approach they prefer to help the Orion team decide whether to make any changes.

        also to provide some context, on windows, chrome creates a different app icon in the taskbar for every profile

          I think the current behavior (icon for each profile) is pretty good for my experience, I have no need to right click to open specific profile in Safari (or Chrome).

          Is there any performance or resource eficiency advantage if this things implemented? If yes, I prefer the performance over the experience.

          there should be no perf difference

          • Vlad replied to this.


            There are multiple benefits to current way of handling profiles:

            • There is a significant performance benefit to current way of handling profiles. A slow tab/website/extension in one profile does not impact Orion instance running in the other profile as they are two separate apps from the standpoint of the OS task scheduler.

            • Another direct benefit is that an app crash in one profile does not bring down all other open profiles with it.

            • Separating profile via apps ensures sandboxing of data between them

            • You can use native macOS feature such as cmd + tab to switch between profiles

            This is just some of the main benefits I am sure there are more.

            Welcoming further thoughts on this topic. Is the dock clutter really the only reason some people dislike this despite all the benefits listed here?

              a month later

              Even if Windows offers this possibility, the traditional behavior of applications on MacOS, and Apple's interface guidelines remind us, is to have an application open only once, with a single icon in the Dock. To have multiple instances, just open new windows in the app. This is what Safari 17 does and respects with its profiles feature.
              I think Orion should take this principle (there are still ways to improve and offer something different from what Safari 17 offers while respecting the principle).

              There can potentially be a few performance consequences (defining what is meaningful for an Apple Silicon machine), this can protect other profiles if a profile/website/... crashes and allow continued use of Orion (if we have multiple profiles open at this precise moment), but these are generally rare phenomena in our daily use; which in any case does not prevent the crashing of the profile and its relaunch, and there are mechanisms to find our sites/profiles etc. precisely in the event of a crash.

              The keyboard shortcut command+tab would certainly no longer directly offer the different instances/windows of the profiles but only the Orion application (same principle as for the other macOS applications) but it would still be possible to access the Dock directly via the icon of 'Orion has all open profiles (which Safari 17 offers) :

              Also, advanced command+tab users are usually already using utilities to enhance this functionality and directly access a window, profiles, etc. (apps like Command-Tab Plus, BetterTouchTool, for example).
              And Orion's "Session tabs" feature, combined with profiles, I think already answers a large part of the problem of the data sandbox.

              8 months later

              Profile management in general could take some cues from Arc. I do like that each profile is its own browser process, however being able to open certain sites/domains in certain profiles to keep things containerized would be great. Facebook in its own profile, Google its own, Microsoft stuff in its own etc ... keeps the tracking to a minimum and lets a set of preferences, favorites etc apply to each.

              • eirk replied to this.
                4 days later
                2 months later

                I see the discussion has gone back and forth, but I am coming from Brave with different "data-dir" profiles, so that I can Cmd+Tab into different profiles. This would be paramount to keep if profiles get reworked in any way. Otherwise profiles will just be tabs, which will be comingled with other tabs from other profiles, making this hard to tell apart.

                  5 months later
                  Merged 15 posts from Rework Profiles to act more like safari's profile management system.

                    Every day, I find myself managing multiple AWS accounts, which entails creating over 10 profiles. I currently use Arc browser for this purpose, but I have a strong dislike to Chromium.
                    The only thing preventing me from switching to Orion is the fact that it places separate dock icons for each profile, which ends up cluttering my dock. I would greatly appreciate it if an option could be added to use just one dock icon for all profiles.

                      Ff4h5m9vc2 You are probably looking for sessions (which are different than profiles, but work more like Firefox multi-account containers.) You can have multiple isolated sessions within isolated "profiles". Here is Vlad's mockup.

                        Ff4h5m9vc2 The dock icon is entirely optional and you can remove it in profile settings.

                          Sorry, I can not find option to remove dock icon in profile settings.
                          I only see blow options.

                          • Vlad replied to this.
                            a year later

                            Would also love to see this implemented as well!! I love the separation of several profiles, but having multiple icons in the dock gets cluttery. One icon for several profiles like how chromium has it would be great down the road.

                            • Vlad replied to this.