Can e2e encrypted backup not simply be allowed to be exported to cloud service of choice eg Dropbox? This can then be restored on second device without needing to use iCloud. This works for people like me who have to use devices with different iCloud accounts for work and home.
Browser syncing Without iCloud (Firefox sync or Orion sync) - via Kagi servers for paid users
I am also an Orion Lifetime and Kagi premium subscriber and would be willing to pay a small premium to have Orion sync extensions, settings, tabs, etc. independent of iCloud. I don’t use the Orion password manager and so wouldn’t see that as important.
Same, I would love the speed a reliability of a Firefox style sync vs iCloud. I would be happy to pay a premium to support the back end services required.
I am also an Orion "lifetime" etc and I would be willing to pay a modest premium just to close this ticket for good, as in, put it in the NOFIX category and move on. I can sympathize with all the blockers/situations that prevent using the native syncing, but from reading @Vlad responses in this thread from over, quite literally, the years, it's well outside the bounds of what would be considered pragmatic decision making.
I love the whole mission behind Kagi/Orion and I truly want to keep paying for them until I finally peace out of this world. But to do that requires repeatedly prioritizing the right things, and there's so many other worthwhile areas where time would be better spent.
To everyone who wants to sync to their work laptop... just... why? That is not your device in any remote sense. I personally do not want my employer to have any more access to me than they already do. And besides, it's called work for a reason. We're supposed to suffer.
My $0.02
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while I sympathize with you with the work laptop discourse, I feel that slowly moving out of the apple ecosystem is the right thing to do basically for two reasons:
1- sync my bookmarks and tabs with my linux and android devices
2- wearing my tinfoil hat:
Also as I wrote in other threads of this forum I'd like this to be the more platform and account agnostic as possible developing a floccus-like thing to be able to choose whatever cloud provider we want is preferable, even more, the ability to point orion to save bookmarks tabs and passwords in a local folder of my choice and then sync using Syncthing (I do this for my passwords with keepass) or something similar.
Surely if a linux version of orion is developed something like that will have to be considered and could be a killer feature.
I support orion from the beginning, I know the devs works really hard, they have fulfilled many of my wishes by adding features that I considered essential, so I don't want to bother them further, but the time to think about some form of cross platform synchronization will come...
thank you Kagi & Orion team
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@Yannick I would strongly recommend your team re-reviews this topic. @chorizo's tin foil hat turns out to have been more than warranted. (
In effect, I have now completely switched over to LibreWolf for my desktop browsing, and Orion now looks to be the only somewhat decently private browser for iOS. But the iCloud backupsync is the main reason I wouldn't use Orion on my Macbook instead of LibreWolf.
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hi! this thread is strictly related to syncing via Kagi servers and since Kagi doesn't want to handle our data this is a Nofix.
We need to open another thread specifically for my suggestions to get them upvoted and and have the devs working on it.
They have just started to work on the Linux version of Orion so they need time, is not something that can be done immediately, meanwhile avoid syncing (I already do this) I think we can live without sync for some month, use a trusted notes app for your bookmarks or whatever...
I will open the two feature requests on the next days, one for syncthing and one for the floccus like feature (because floccus extension doesn't work on mobile need to be integrated directly in Orion)
please guys take a look at this:
Vlad Why would you not want to use Apple's infrastructure that comes built into every Apple device by default?
Apple can no longer offer Advanced Data Protection in the United Kingdom to new users.
Eventually users who already have ADP enabled will be asked to disable EE2E on their iCloud accounts.
Many like myself are now looking for alternatives to Safari that don't rely on iCloud for syncing.
Coming from Firefox and being a platform-hopper myself, I too was looking for a cross-platform link sync. I asked ChatGPT Deep Research what the best open source, self-hostable, cross platform bookmark sync system is. It looks like Linkwarden is the answer.
It is popular (has the most Github stars, >10k, of all apps in the category), AGPL-3 licensed, and actively developed by a company which offers a hosting service for it. It has a Chrome or Firefox extension. It also supports both heirarchical (tree / folder style) links and tagging, as well as performing full-text indexing for search.
LinkAce, linkding, and Wallabag get honorable mentions.
More in the report:
Exactly this! Once/if I am forced to remove ADP I will have to look for alternatives too.
Would sync via Webdav be possible? Then people could use other services, even self-hosted ones. I know that for example can be synced via Webdav and I think OmniFocus offers this, too. And when Orion for Linux comes, iCloud can't be used for sync.
there is a feature request for a keepass/syncthing/any-cloud-provider if you want to take a look: