Use .kdbx databases, better known as keepass, to store bookmarks, reading lists, PDFs, panel groups, open panels, and passwords.

Orion would give the ability to save databases anywhere in the file system of the device in use, whether it is iOS, Android, Linux, Mac, or Windows.

This would solve several problems in the prediction that Orion will become cross-platform:

  • No responsibility of Kagi towards our data: the user would have full control and responsibility for managing their databases, their encryption, saving, and backup.

  • Cross-platform synchronization: being able to save the databases anywhere in the file system, the user can choose any cloud provider they prefer, use solutions like syncthing, or not synchronize at all.

  • Data portability: .kdbx is open source, the database can be opened by any keepass client.

This feature integrated into a browser would be the first of its kind; no other browser that I know of has implemented it.

Recently, we have seen worrying privacy attacks by various governments and the spread of cyberattacks of all kinds, and this approach towards user data by Kagi in my opinion, would earn it praise from the privacy community and power users.

Keepass is completely open source, there are already many clients for all platforms, and for the implementation of this function, Kagi could consider collaborating with some developers of the already existing clients.
Below is a link to a list of the various keepass clients for various platforms:


I consider this a draft proposal to stimulate brainstorming among users and then develop it in more detail.

    it seemed obvious to me, but maybe needs specify it:
    having a keepass client integrated into Orion allows you to search for items saved in the database (bookmarks, saved readings...) directly from the address bar without having to open another app

      I feel that if a regular, non-tech user can't pick up Orion and sync their browser data between Android, iOS, Windows (in the future), Linux and Mac by signing into an account, this is potentially a big miss.

      It's great if tech users have the choice of doing this via WebDAV or by syncing .kdbx databases as well but there should absolutely be a feature as simple as the current iCloud version that's platform-agnostic.

      I gather that Mozilla's Firefox Sync feature is no longer easily integrated as it was a few years ago. Plus the uncertain future of Mozilla is probably not worth looking at.

      eirk I upvoted this and I completely agree with what @Dustin says, there's the need for less techy people to simply sync Orion via Kagi account, this could simply be an option for the kdbx database asked during the first set up of orion: "do you want we take care of syncing?"

      If "yes" is ticked than the database could be stored in Kagi's servers and orion phones Kagi every time it needs to sync.

      If "no, I want to do it by my self" is ticked than this open up the typical settings page of keepass where you can choose webdav, sftp, local files or some cloud provider...

      12 days later

      Bookmark syncing is a key critical browser feature. Forcing the user to rely on a third party like Apple iCould (or Google or anyone else) is suboptimal. iCloud accounts are free today, but there is no guarantee that will continue. Keepass or WebDAV would be acceptable solutions. Personally I would love a SQL DB in a docker container, which, I agree, may be to technical for most users.

      • xx likes this.

      I think if you gave it a nice UI that has a simple an advanced mode for dealing with the desktop file when needing to share it with another device. it would be just fine I on linux use keepassxc an have a few backups. I'm no big youtuber but I would be more than happy to make simple guides if it would help.

      I don't think it could happen but maybe a way to sync the database file to protonmail or nextcloud for extra safety.

        EliteAMDGamer actually I point the database to my syncthing folder and take care to keep it synced across devices, I think you can do the same thing with proton and/or nextcloud, point the database to the folder of the cloud provider and have it synced, being careful of updating the folder first if you previously have made some changes from another device...

          another good functionality would be the ability to choose what to sync in the database.
          For example I want to sync everything except passwords since for this I use another database.
          OR having different databases for different things so:
          db1 - bookmarks
          db2 - group tabs / open tabs
          db3 - reading lists
          and so on...

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