Not sure what's with the need for using AI for these posts.
Orion for windows is planned. see
Not sure what's with the need for using AI for these posts.
Orion for windows is planned. see
Hi, just writing to say that I would absolutely love Orion for Android. It's become my default browser on my Mac and on my iPad. Having both chrome and Firefox extensions is wonderful- so much so that it felt criminal not to purchase a lifetime license to support the development (so I did).
Great work!
Voting with my lifetime sub too
Happy Kagi Ultimate user here (2 years+). I just paid for the Orion+ lifetime subscription to support a Windows build. I'd really like to have a replacement for the poor browser selection we have these days.
Linux with nixos support would be awesome! Then that could have declarative for both Mac and Linux!
Another happy Kagi user looking for Windows and/or Linux support.
I hope to add my vote with a lifetime subscription at a more convenient financial opportunity or when support is announced. Thanks!
Well, I've only heard a rumor about Orion for Linux and found this thread. I hear you, you didn't have resources, but you got it all wrong
Nobody's naive to buy a dream "please support our main operation and our vision of product priority, so maybe some day we will develop what you're supporting us for". Donating to kick start a project is a great idea, but please open a clear option "donate to make a Linux version" for example, and do not "burn" this money on other projects (platforms) because you're not having the team yet. That's the only way to encourage donations.
A quick question, will a paid Orion+ user have access to the source code?
I was actually wondering if you guys were interested in creating a Windows 10/11 supported release, for those of us not using Linux or Mac but still wanting an alternative for Firefox + Chrome.
I personally would definitely be interested in using this browser except my PC uses Windows 11.
KaptainCnuckz It’s on the list of things they’d love to do some day.
Linux was comparatively low-hanging fruit for a WebKit-based browser. If they want to stick with WebKit across all versions of Orion, then Windows would constitute at least an order of magnitude more work.