I pay for Kagi Search and would like to support Orion but I'm a Linux user exclusively on all my devices.

I have limited income and would like to use it in the most efficient way. I wouldn't like to start paying for Orion if that's only funding macOS work and years from now I don't get a browser on Linux and I'm left with only the good feeling of supporting an alternative to Chrome but I can't use it.

Maybe a compromise would be a crowdfunding campaign to get X dollars to fund a Linux development team for Y months and then see where things go from there. I'd certainly contribute money towards that goal specifically. And then the general contributors continue towards the 10000 goal mentioned above, in parallel.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    gtirloni Crowdfunding sounds like a great idea. One of the problems is what platform as I see kind of divided demand between Windows/Linux/Android. Do we launch three camapaigns? Or decide on one? What site to use etc?

      I think two main factors can play a major role.

      One is the quantity of demand on each platform, which is directly connected to satisfying more users and therefore generating more revenue. The other is which platform is the easiest/fastest to implement in, so that more users can be covered the easiest/fastest way possible.

        Vlad changed the title to Orion for Windows / Android / Linux .
          a month later

          Vlad Consider Orion for Windows based on Blink? I have some experience with Blink, can I become a contributor? 🙂

            10 days later

            Really love Kagi and love the idea of Orion. Bought the lifetime support. There is demand for Orion on windows and other platforms as well.

              6 days later

              Just sponsored this issue - not a lot of money but something, as I'm broke currently 😛

              I'm mostly a Windows user for browsing so that's where I would use it the most, but develop in Ubuntu so either one would be great.

                What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?
                With the upcoming release of Asahi Linux for the M-based Macs, it'd be nice to be able to stick with Orion when making the leap. Linux and MacOS are both unix-like so it shouldn't be too hard to port it over. Right? I might be wrong.

                What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?
                It'd be great to have all my passwords and bookmarks and history be consistent when booting into Asahi and booting into MacOS without the hassle of using two different browsers

                  Merged 2 posts from Orion for Linux.

                    Became a + supporter to support development of a Linux version! Great work so far, thank you.

                    • kas likes this.
                    4 days later

                    Vlad this guy is very mean. banned me after i made 10 posts here to get RC -_-

                      7 days later

                      Hmm this is a classic chicken and egg problem. I'm interested in Orion, but I don't have any Apple devices, so I'd sponsor a project that might never get released on my platforms. For now I'll stick with Kagi professional and hope it'll help Orion as well 🙂

                        12 days later

                        Just my two cents here regarding the choice for future platform development:

                        Maybe you could give already paying Kagi and Orion users the option to fill out a simple survey to let you know which OS' they are using (besides MacOS and iOS). Maybe new users too during the sign up process (voluntarily of course). Would that help you plan which platforms to prioritize in the future?

                        For instance, I suspect there might be a ton of MacOS users who actually have Android phones instead of iPhones. So that may be a low-hanging fruit that benefits and encourages already paying customers while also opening up to lots of potential, new, Android-only users.

                        Anyway, just a thought!

                        2 months later

                        CostcoFanboy The web engine that it uses is WebKit, which differs from the web engine used by chrome ( Blink ). So it is not as straight forward as forking ungoogled-chromium ( and even if they could, it is not that simple ).

                          I have Orion installed on my iOS and Apple machines but I would sure love to see it coming on Linux ( which I feel like must be the easiest target to develop for ).

                          I love the fact you can use both firefox and chrome extensions, I will use the browser a bit more to see whether I want to invest money in it if I really like the product.

                            10 days later

                            I would love to see Orion on Android or Windows.

                              4 days later

                              They won't do a single thing to support any other platform, hence Orion doesn't have much of a future. It'd be great to be proven wrong, for once.