A fire button which you click and it deletes all cookies, cache, and search history.

This is similar to the existing feature in the DuckDuckGo browser, and when I used DDG (before the microsoft revelations) I loved this feature!
If added, they could also add a fireproof feature like DDG in which you fireproof websites that you log-in to so that their cookies aren't lost.

This could be an optional feature as I don't see everyone wanting it, so you could activate/deactivate it in settings, but it would be very useful imo.

  • Vlad replied to this.
    4 days later

    san How is it different from this?

    • Soum replied to this.
      6 days later

      Another vote on this! This will really improve the iOS version of Orion. Vlad the screenshot you mentioned, it looks like it's of the mac version of Orion. We're talking about the iOS version here. The DDG iOS app has a fire button that is very convenient to use and it works reliably unlike firefox focus I've tried on iOS.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Soum My bad this is iOS, roger.

        I am not clear where the position of this button should be nor what it should do. Please do not assume we are familiar with every other browser out there. A few screenshots would go a long way explaining what the actual suggestion for the feature is. @san

        • Soum replied to this.

          Vlad here you go. The fire button in DDG browser is placed at the bottom center.

          • Vlad replied to this.

            Soum Thnks, I meant where do you put it in a full featured browser like Orion?

            • Soum replied to this.
              8 days later

              Vlad I don't get what you're asking. DDG on iOS is a legit browser, don't know what you mean by full-fledged.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                Soum Orion's toolbar is already busy with features like new tab, share, tab management.. there is no space for a "fire" button. Where does one place that?

                • Soum replied to this.

                  Vlad Maybe inside the share button or tab management window? I don't know if there's any settings hamburger menu on the iOS version or not since I haven't used Orion on iOS but it could be placed there too.

                  • Vlad replied to this.
                    9 days later

                    Soum That would work. What exactly should tapping this button do?

                    Delete what data for current or all sites?

                    What should it be called?

                      2 months later

                      On iOS and iPadOS, the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser has an always-visible “Fire Button” that closes all tabs and clears all the website data. DDG also allows you to set specific websites as “Fireproofed” so their cookies aren’t cleared. I adore these two privacy features for their simplicity and power.

                      I realize that Orion is already blocking more things than DDG by default, but I would still like the empowerment of clearing all data easily.

                      I also realize Orion has a “Clear History and Websites Data” option in Settings. But, that requires more tapping and scrolling than the “Fire Button” in DDG. And Orion doesn’t allow me to “fireproof” website cookies, such as kagi.com, that I would like to protect.

                      Perhaps “Clear History and Websites Data” could be an option under the three-dot (…) menu? Or perhaps it could happen on a schedule or after given period of inactivity? And perhaps it could leave websites alone that the user has asked to protect cookies on?

                        8 days later

                        Adding "Close Tabs and Clear Data" to mobile (...) menu makes sense. it could have some kind of simple but effective animation (not as extravagant as ddg).

                        4 months later
                        Merged 2 posts from DuckDuckGo-Style Fire Button and Website Fireproofing.


                          Whilst Orion Browser already has the ability to clear all your tabs with two taps: Orion > Long press on the "Tabs" icon denoted by two squares > Select Close All Tabs, compared with DuckDuckGo's fire button, it becomes cumbersome when you also want to delete all history and cookies: Meatballs Menu > History > Clear. You can also: Settings > Data Management > Clear History and Website Data, but this option doesn't clear all tabs either.

                          Possible solution:

                          The Fire Button is a DuckDuckGo browser feature that clears all tabs and data in less than a second. It's conveniently placed next to the address bar and tab manager. When used, the Fire Button clears everything, including cookies, and can be done at any time while browsing.

                          Adding another button, in this case "Clear all tabs, history and cookies" in Orion Browser iOS can perhaps become a bit tricky due to the lack of space; increasing the functionality in the long press tab switcher icon with "Delete all tabs, history and cookies" might not be.

                          The Fire Button:

                            Merged 1 post from Clear all tabs, history and cookies with one tap.

                              I think we agreed that adding "Close Tabs and Clear Data" to mobile (...)" woud make most sense. Will send this to planning.

                              Vlad changed the title to DuckDuckGo style Fire button feature .
                                No one is typing