I know the ios version is used for ipad os users so use case on ipads are beta of beta but I do wish that when ipad os versions comes out it supports multiple windows as that is one of the main reasons why I can’t switch over to orion completely right now

  • Vlad replied to this.
    a year later
    4 months later

    This post has had the planned tag since April 2022 and I would love to see it. Just want to make sure that it didn’t get completely buried

      11 days later
      Merged 1 post from Multiple window support for iPad.

        @Vlad I saw that you merged this, but I was just wondering if there is any plan to do this soon? It has had the planned tag for a really long time.

          I'll @dino confirm if it is simple enough to be squeed in for next iOS release

            4 months later

            Vlad Vivaldi has this and Tabs on Bottom but honestly I would like Vertical Tabs with just favicon. That would be super useful. Same way it’s implemented on Desktop - but yes Vivaldi has multiple windows.

              8 months later

              @dino This seems to have gained quite a bit of support, so I was wondering if there are any updates?

                whitemamba Thanks for the reminder, let's move that on top in our priority list.

                  6 days later

                  Hi, I am surprised that Orion does not work with split view on iPads. I cannot even get it to work with "stage manager". It caused my device to reboot. I'm using it on an iPad Pro 11 inch, 2gen, running iOS 18.2.1. Other major browsers like chrome and edge support this.
                  Ironically, I can do a split window With Orion and other apps like Safari, mail, etc. Orion seems to refuse to load up a second instance. I tried this with "focus mode" Enabled and disabled. Did not make a difference.

                  Steps to reproduce:

                  1. Open multiple tabs, attempt to slide one over to the right. This doesn't work.
                  2. Another way is to click on the triple dot menu at the top, And select "Split view." When I Select Orion as the additional window, I get a "Open windows not supported" message.

                  In theory, opening up "stage manager" should allow any app to run in multiple window. Orion is the first app I've encountered that will not work with "Stage manager". 🤔
                  On larger iPads, split windows, even for the same browser, can be really handy for Comparing web results.
                  I have attached a short screen movie showing how option 2 does not work. Thx

                    Merged 2 posts from Orion does not support split window on iPad with itself.

                      Orion, unlike Safari and practically all updated applications, does not allow you to open more than one window at the same time using SplitView & Multitasking. The absence of this feature makes the app feel a little outdated.

                      Adding this feature gives users on iPadOS unlimited possibilities: the ability to make research faster by comparing two windows; to write a post on the Orion blog and at the same time see a YouTube video; to translate something in one window and search another thing y another window; to ask something to Kagi AI and be looking at images from Shrek, etc, etc, etc.

                      Adding this feature does not affect users who want to continue using Full Screen, SplitView or Multitasking (all can be used with Orion), it only gives them the opportunity to multiply the Orion windows they have open at the same time

                      As I noted above, adding this capability to the Orion iPad app provides virtually endless options to improve a person's workflow.

                      Sometimes switching between tabs is not as useful or comfortable as being able to see two tabs at the same time when browsing the web.

                      I have not had the fortune of using the Orion application for Mac, but I am sure that this feature is already implemented for that system, it would be a matter of importing it to the iPadOS version.

                      There are thousands of examples of applications that use this feature. I think Safari does it very well, because it implements the possibility of dragging a tab from the top bar and making a new window in SplitView or Multitasking mode.

                      • Vlad replied to this.