
  • Oct 17, 2023
  • Joined May 6, 2023
  • 6 discussions
  • 29 posts
  • 0 best answers
  • 21 points
  • thuvasooriya Everything is monitored, I have read every single comment on this board since inception, and made over 6000 comments. If that is not a reassurance not sure what is ๐Ÿ™‚

    • thuvasooriya You would be less surprised knowing that there are 2000+ open issues around, many of them 'small' like this and that the team is only 3 devs! But you are right we should try and do a better job for isues like this.

      • +1 on this, switched from Arc because I was only using it for vertical tabs and profiles (which I later found out exist in both FF and Chrome rip), but the only thing that feels "missing" is passkey support.

      • thuvasooriya Thanks for understanding that when we do the first "one more thing" we create a precedent and have no way against defending adding much more. There are at least 10 other things that we already said no to for web apps , all sounding equally useful, but we have to draw the line somewhere otherwise web apps will converge back into a full browser as a matter of time. If this got 20+ upvotes that would be a different thing.

      • @"thuvasooriya"#p29149I understand thanks. In principle we do not want to add browser features to web apps to prevent them from turning into full browsers (and we would get there if we would start adding 'just one more thing').

        Perhaps you are looking to run multiple instanced of the web app, and maybe this should be handled at the system level.

        • Vlad Orion's vertical tab implementation has won me over (it's my primary reason for wanting to switch to Orion). I empathize with how difficult managing the sheer volume of feature requests (+ bug reports) Orion gets must be, and I think the team does an admirable job of responding to them. I think the characterization that Orion does not listen to user feedback is wrong. Orion takes an methodical, and some times opinionated, approach to design that's aligned to Apple's HIG. I appreciate this, and I think it is the reason why Orion feels closer to an Apple browser than Safari in many respects.

          I just read through the entire 200+ post discussion procrastinating my work. I used to be a big fan of compact tabs in Safari, but I ultimately dropped them, because Safari's implementation is just bad in the corner cases. One consistent theme in the discussion is many users requesting that the URL bar + tab is integrated, and the team insisting that it shouldn't be. The reasoning laid out is the following (my summary):

          1. the URL bar is a core UI element so it should not move around
          2. the primary reason for using compact tabs is to save vertical space, and the horizontal placement of the URL bar does not affect this

          I believe these reasons are not sound, and here's why:

          1. I agree that core elements should not move around. The example of the back/forward buttons is a good one. I do not agree that the URL bar is equivalent to the back/forward buttons. The URL is associated with the website currently being viewed. For most users, it is a "more precise" description of the title displayed on the tab. These are interpreted as the "identity" of a website. Would you say that the title of a website/favicon moving around is bad UX? No, because those elements are associated with an object that should move around on the screen just like a file in Finder. An over-zealous application of this logic would be to have a dropdown menu for all tabs instead of the tab carousel we see in most browsers.
          2. Before I tried Orion, I felt that this was the reason I liked Safari's compact tabs. Orion made me realize that this is not the case, since Orion's compact mode offers more space for content than Safari's compact tabs. Actually, compact Orion + vertical tabs w/ favicons only maximizes this metric. Instead, I realized that Safari's compact tabs were pleasing because they removed visual clutter. Part of that is the integration of the URL + tab. I totally agree that being able to quickly access the URL for the currently viewed website is crucial for any browser. I disagree that being able to see it at a glance is required or even useful. I (and probably most users) must spend <5% caring about the URL of a website beyond the domain name. Even then, the title of the website offers all the infomation that a domain name would.

          I took the time to write out this explanation, because I felt it was never explicitly articulated in the full discussion. I hope what I said makes sense. While I completely agree with your approach/thought process to this issue, I think you are missing a few details that end up resulting in a different conclusion that I would.

          • Web apps are not supposed to run web extensions, they are meant to be minimal, lightweight apps.

            thuvasooriya Web apps should follow the profile setting (for example compatibility mode) - is that not the case? Also if it is a bug report it does not belong in this feature suggestion.

            • thuvasooriya I'm new here, I saw this feature marked as planned, is there any schedule to this, I'm sorry if this is dumb question.

              Planned is more like itโ€™s on the roadmap, but not necessarily a solid date as to when it comes out or gets implemented. For this particular feature request, I think we still have to pass the UX stages before it can be handed over to the developers to implement the feature in Orion and be released in the RC builds.