
    • Dec 11, 2024
    • Joined Jul 15, 2024
    • 0 discussions
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    • This report is meant to gather all the relevant information on the tab freezing/becoming unresponsive/links being unable to be clicked issue which was introduced in Orion Version
      This issue is not the same as #7199.
      If you are currently experiencing this issue, please post your tab layout setting and macOS version in this thread. All other information is also welcome. You can download the previous build over at https://cdn.kagi.com/updates/14_0/127.1.zip replace the 14 with your macOS version if you aren't on Sonoma.

      Description of the issue:
      Individual tabs become unresponsive (the user is able to scroll within the tab but unable to interact with the objects on the page in any other way).
      The only solution is to close the tab and reopen it. Refreshing does not fix the broken state of the tab.

      Some useful information:
      Some users have noticed that quickly interacting with the tab while the page is still loading tends to result in the tab becoming unresponsive more commonly.

      Yet to be verified information:
      The tab layout might play a role.
      Using the 120fps rendering setting under Appearance settings doesn't seem to be a culprit.

      My experience:
      127.2 with compact tabs results in tabs freezing. Rolling back to 127.1 completely solves the issue.

      Orion and macOS version:
      Version (WebKit 619.1.1)

      Sonoma (14)

        • Best Answerset by Vlad

        Passing this on from our Discord, anybody who is facing website freezing randomly in 127.2 we got a workaround (as we got the root cause, so until we release new version, you can use workaround)

        Run below command in Terminal

        Orion Beta
        defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

        Orion RC
        defaults write com.kagi.kagimacOS.RC WebKit2UseRemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea -bool false

        And relaunch Orion.

        Let us know if this fixes the issue you were facing these days.