
  • 7 days ago
  • Joined Aug 13, 2022
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  • Proton Pass is very slow on Orion (using the Firefox Extension) compared to in Chrome or Firefox. Every time i open it, it says decrypting for a very long time and then finally shows me the password. Sometimes i can't even use the autofill because the passwords just won't load.

    Proton Pass should be as fast as on other browsers.

    Version (WebKit 621. Build date Feb 25 2025 Mac 15.3.1 (Build 24D70)

    Sequoia (15)

    • Lockdown Mode provides enhanced security for iOS and macOS. However, at least on iOS, some website images may show as broken.

      Due to this, the latest version of Safari on both iOS and macOS allows you to disable Lockdown Mode for the specific site.

      It would be great if Orion could adopt similar feature, which allows toggling on/off Lockdown Mode per website.

      You can test this by enabling Lockdown Mode on an iOS or macOS device. Then, check out Safari browser, which will now show a "Lockdown Enabled" message.

      From the site settings, there's an option to disable Lockdown Mode. Something like this would be great for Orion to have for those of us who are the more PrivSec minded.

      • Clicking the button to reload a site without content blockers when it is blocked by a content blocker does not work.

        The button should work and it should reload the page without content blockers



        • When starting a new private session and it shows tab in grid view the tab is blank and also doesn't automatically open. Nor does it open keyboard when tapped, as is set in settings

          When entering into a private session it should open the new tab as it would in normal session



          • The tab previews do not work in Orion RC for standard or compact view. However, they do work in the vertical setting.

            The tab preview should work in all tab config.


            High Sierra (10.13)

            • In the latest TestFlight build, swiping to close tabs in grid view will sometimes close the next row above on the right of the tab you’re actually trying to close. This bug can also cause the erroneously closed tab to become stuck in the UI as seen in video.

              The swiping close of a tab in grid view should only have its action point be for the selected tab and not one above it and to the right



                • Edited

                Reproduction Behavior

                1. Install multiple supported extensions in the browser, which can be Chrome extensions or Firefox extensions (for example: [Extension A, Extension B, Extension C, Extension D, Extension E]).
                2. Open a webpage (for example https://example.com) and verify that all extensions are functioning normally.
                3. Switch the browser to the background and keep it running for several hours (ensure that the browser is not force-closed by the iOS app switcher). More aggressive actions can be taken, such as running a large game or opening the camera app for 4K video recording during this time to ensure that the issue can be reproduced, as such actions consume more memory. However, based on my actual experience, switching between several apps often reproduces the issue.
                4. Return to the browser and observe the following issues:
                  • Do all open tabs automatically refresh (possibly due to iOS system memory management causing tab discarding)?
                  • Subsequently, some or all extensions become ineffective, specifically manifested as:
                    • Sometimes three extensions fail;
                    • Sometimes two extensions fail;
                    • Sometimes all extensions fail;
                    • The failed extensions are random and not fixed to any specific extension or type of functionality.
                    • Failure means, as seen in the video: the extension cannot open and its functionality is lost, but some extensions can open but their functionality is still ineffective.
                    • The failed functionality is manifested as having no effect or being unable to inject into the page, such as the extension's content scripts, injected content elements, or other functions not running.
                5. Please note: manually refreshing the webpage does not restore the functionality of the failed extensions.
                6. The only way to restore the extensions is:
                  • Restart the entire browser, or:
                  • Open the extension management page, disable and re-enable these extensions; of course, both operations are quite cumbersome.

                Supplementary Note
                1: Irrelevance of Power Saving Mode

                • Whether the power-saving mode in the browser settings is turned on or off, the issue still occurs.
                • This indicates that the problem does not depend on the power-saving mode, but is more likely related to iOS's background memory management mechanism or the browser's compatibility handling of extensions.
                  Supplementary Note 2: Randomness
                • The number of failed extensions and which specific extensions fail are not fixed each time the issue is reproduced:
                  • Even when reproducing the test under the same conditions, the combination of failed extensions may still vary each time.
                  • For example, in one test, extensions A, B, and C may fail, while extensions D and E continue to work; but in another test, it may be extensions A and D that fail, while the remaining extensions function normally.
                  • When tested multiple times, there are also cases where all extensions fail simultaneously, with all extensions failing being the most common occurrence.

                Analysis (Possible Reasons)
                iOS system's memory management mechanism and background resource recycling:
                * To save device resources, the iOS system may discard some memory-occupying resources (including the extension processes or tab states loaded in the browser) when the application is in the background.
                * When the browser is restored from the background to the foreground, the tabs are reloaded, but the extension services may not be correctly initialized or restored.

                Expected Behavior

                1. Stable recovery of extension services:
                  • When a tab is refreshed or reloaded, all installed extensions should resume normal operation on their corresponding pages:
                    • Content Scripts should automatically re-inject to enable extension functionality.
                    • The extension's Service Workers or background processes should be correctly restored to ensure normal communication between extension functionality and the page.
                    • Regardless of the complexity or number of extensions, all extensions should consistently recover and avoid random failures.
                2. Consistent extension compatibility management:
                  • Orion should ensure that different extensions can coordinate and consistently restore functionality during page lifecycle events (such as tab refresh, background switching, reloading), avoiding partial or complete failures.
                3. Elimination of random failure phenomena:
                  • The recovery of extension functionality should not be affected by randomness; users should not see unpredictable behavior where certain extensions work at specific times while others fail. (This phenomenon is also reported by most users as extensions occasionally failing.)
                4. No user intervention required:
                  • Refreshing or automatically reloading a tab should not require users to manually disable/enable extensions to resolve the issue.
                  • Users should not need to restart the browser to reactivate extension functionality.

                1.3.15 (5)


                • When visiting a PDF, especially with Lockdown Mode enabled, Orion iOS should offer to download the linked PDF. Safari currently handles this.

                  When visiting a link with a PDF, if preview is unavailable, then offer to save/download the PDF file. You can replicate this behaviour in Safari for iOS.

                  • Vlad replied to this.
                  • Randomly, but quite often, the UI of the address bar in latest Testflight becomes messed up looking

                    The address bar UI should remain as normal

                    Testflight 1.3.10 (7)


                    • It should instead read as, "Enjoy a large number of your fav..."

                      Correct spelling/grammar

                      Testflight latest


                      • On Orion TestFlight 1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618., rearranging tabs in grid view does not function properly.

                        Tabs rearranged does not correspond correctly with their thumbnail and position.

                        See video:

                        Steps to replicate:

                        1. Open Orion
                        2. Open at least 2 tabs
                        3. Head to tabs grid view
                        4. Switch/rearrange the tabs positions
                        5. Click on a tab within grid view
                        6. Result: Incorrect tab

                        I expect the tabs to correspond correctly with their thumbnail and position after rearranging tabs.

                        1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618.


                        • In Orion TestFlight 1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618., the back gesture (from left edge of screen swiping right) is too light compared to previous versions.

                          This easily causes accidental page backs.

                          Here’s a video that demonstrates the issue:

                          Steps to replicate:

                          1. Open Orion
                          2. Head to any website/page
                          3. Swipe lightly to the right from the left side of the screen (you could swipe slowly from the left to see how far Orion needs to activate the gesture which isn’t much).
                          4. Result

                          What is expected or ideal is Safari’s implementation with the distance and deliberation required plus seeing the previous page “underneath” the current page.

                          See video:

                          1.3.9 (4) (WebKit 8618.


                          • The LibRedirect extension does not automatically redirect to the privacy respecting instance as saved in the LibRedirect plugin settings on the mobile version of Orion. I can confirm it works on desktop, despite these two previous submissions:

                            I tested both the FF and Chromium variants of the extension on mobile.

                            LibRedirect extension on mobile should correctly allow the extension to handle redirects



                            • Kagi Search on iOS browser doesn't appear to show a URL with the search query in the browser. This causes Dark Reader extension to enforce dark mode and doesn't show any settings to exclude Kagi.

                              Even if you are able to manually exclude Kagi.com from Dark Reader, it still applies dark mode, as I believe due to aforementioned non-URL in browser search bar.

                              Kagi Search terms and/or URL should show in the search field entry so that the Dark Reader extension can manage the page.



                              • If you're on a tab in private that creates the blurred background and you switch from private to regular, the blurred background stays the same from private to regular. This shows private data is leaking to regular. Not good.

                                Any data, not matter what it is, should not leak to regular browsing.



                                • Tabs I have opened in private browsing sometimes have their thumbnail leaked and show on regular when switching back.

                                  There's also a secondary bug here where the thumbnail also switches back to a start page view for some tabs.

                                  Private browsing tab thumbnails shouldn't leak. Also, tab thumbnails should remain a view of the web page and not start page.

                                  1.3.4 (2) (WebKit 8617.


                                  • Vlad replied to this.
                                  • Very close to this issue, but not quite the same ask. This encompasses it though - you may want to move it here. Moved and elaborated on from my Discord message.

                                    Lockdown Mode is a feature in macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS that enables "extreme protections that’s designed for the very few individuals who, because of who they are or what they do, might be personally targeted by some of the most sophisticated digital threats." In non-marketing speak, this is designed to reduce the attack surface of your browser to protect against a future attack on your device. It was (most likely) made in light of Pegasus.

                                    Apple describes that "certain complex web technologies are blocked, which might cause some websites to load more slowly or not operate correctly. In addition, web fonts might not be displayed, and images might be replaced with a missing image icon." On iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS, this applies to ALL browsers due to their reliance on WebKit - however, on macOS, you're free to use whatever browser engine you want.

                                    When Lockdown Mode is enabled, a TON of WebKit settings are adjusted:

                                    All of these changes are open-source. I think it would also be beneficial to remove the window.KAGI object in Compatibility Mode while Lockdown Mode protections are on.

                                    This will impact existing workflows and the overall user experience, but only for those who are using Lockdown Mode. I expect some may be using Orion as a Lockdown Mode-free browser, but that ultimately defeats the purpose of Lockdown Mode (and shows they're missing the point completely of what it's for!)

                                    This feature will likely help more people move from Safari. I believe Orion would be the only other browser to fully implement and manage Lockdown Mode (besides on iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS, where it's not really possible to do it like Safari does until the inevitable comes. In combination with Compatibility Mode (to blend in more with Safari), this would be a great addition to get to the point of having one browser for everything.

                                    • Should the key icon appear in the textbox with those options disabled?

                                      I'm not sure the icon should be there.

                             (WebKit 618.1.2)

                                      Sonoma (14)

                                      • Open the settings modal popover. It shows the list of enabled extensions. However, close Orion, on fresh reload of browser it reorders the extension list. See two screenshots showing the extension list changed order. This behaviour is consistently reproducible.

                                        The ordering of extension list should remain in place (perhaps alphabetically, or in chronological order by install date, or user selectable position?)



                                        • There are somewhat similar posts already, but this one is a bit different.

                                          This extension works in desktop Orion: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/random_user_agent/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search

                                          Sadly, neither the Chrome nor Firefox version works on the iOS version of Orion.

                                          I suspect this is due to the "default" setting or custom being enforced. It'd be nice if there was a way to completely disabling Orion mobile handling the UA, so the extension could write it.
