When there are more tabs open than can all be simultaneously viewed across the width of the window, they should be scrollable—automatically when using the next/previous tab keyboard shortcut, or manually by clicking on a button at the left or right edge of the window, near or aligned with the list of tabs. Take a look at how this works simply and elegantly in Firefox, for example. First the automatic scrolling with the next/previous tab keyboard shortcut:

And then the manual scrolling with the left/right carats:

Now compare this messy, unfunctional manner in which Orion behaves when a previous/next-tab keyboard shortcut is issued but the next or previous tab is offscreen:

There is no apparent way to manually scroll to tabs that cannot be seen. Eek! This is a UI deficiency compared to Firefox and Safari.

  • laiz replied to this.

    isocat they should be scrollable

    The tab list can be scrolled with both trackpad motions and the scroll wheel on your mouse.
    Additionally, you can cycle through your open tabs with ctrl + tab

    isocat This is a UI deficiency compared to Firefox and Safari.

    I see you have posted examples of Firefox doing things differently from Orion. However, Safari seems to function very similarly to Orion so I am not sure what you mean by a UI deficiency compared to Safari when Orion strives for Safari parity with some improvements added on top. A video comparing Safari and Orion would be very helpful!

    Safari behaves differently to both Firefox and Orion: tabs get narrower and narrower as more and more of them are added, so there are never any invisible-because-offscreen tabs to scroll to. Past a certain tab count (which will vary with window width) there are no visible-onscreen tabs, either, because they are too narrow for a title, a fraction of a title, or eventually even a favicon:

    To be clear, I don't think this is really better than Orion's handling of the matter, just different. I find FF's method of handling supernumerous tabs to be the most thoughtful and user-friendly, and the least ugly.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      isocat You can also enable that behavior in Orion, disable Always show website titles in Settings-> Tabs

        4 days later

        Vlad Thanks for that pointer. I still think Firefox's handling of this aspect of the UI is quite a lot more elegant and user-friendly.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          isocat Can you illustrate the differences and clarify what do you mean exactly for those of us not using Firefox?

            Vlad Please review the videos I posted at the top of this thread, showing how Firefox more elegantly provides for (and handles) tab scrolling. If there is something you aren't seeing in the vid, or would like me to explain something about it, please give a squawk and I'll make more words

            • Vlad replied to this.

              isocat Agreed, but not clear what the ask is. Can you compare behavior with Safari and/or other system apps and specify how would you want scrolling to work?

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