After moving a preview window, I want it to stay on the screen until I click the x, not when I click off of the window. That makes it very hard to extract information from the preview window. It is alread alreaedy implemented well inside of Orion, but I would love that kind of implementation when clicking to other apps as well.

Sometimes, I want to use the information from a preview window inside of the app I opened the link in. That is impossible if it disappears every time I click on the window for the other app. Arc's little Arc feature does this well, but I do really like Orion's implementation of having the window float, rather than just be another window

    how is this different from opening link in a new window?. you want a "float on top" option for preview?

      Longely Basically, yes. A good example, I think, would be recieving an email from someone with a link, then needing to copy and paste some of the info back to the person. It would be nice to be able to move the window to the side, write some of the email, then copy and paste when you need to.

        hmm, why woudnt you just want a new window in that specific case? click link get a new window, move it to the side?
        not trying to kill your idea, just trying to understand how it differs.

        Like maybe its the float on top part. that you want it visible on top of the mail client all the time? regardless of using the client.

        if so, im not sure how it could be done without introducing an extra click somewhere in the procces, unless you wanted it as default that it float on top

          whitemamba You can move the preview out of it's original popover position, "detach" it, by dragging on its header, like where the website title is. Then, you can move it around, resize it, switch between it and other windows with the in-app window switch shortcut (default CMD+` on some keyboards), and you can have multiple ones open at once. It's not like normal windows though, in that it won't appear in the Window menu, and it will close when you leave Orion

            astruckm yes, I’m talking about the same functionality when clicking back to other applications.

              Longely the extra clock would be moving it around, the same as if you want one to persist on top of Orion.

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