I'm a keyboard-focused user. In Safari, using any of the default search engines, the URL/search bar displays my query as if I'd typed it into a input
. What's nice about that is, if I need to modify my search terms, I can do command+L and then use standard Mac text navigation shortcuts (e.g. ctrl+A, ctrl-E, opt+delete etc)
This feature alone has kept me in Safari for years. No other browser seems to do this.
Additionally, command+L followed by command+C copies the actual search engine URL into the pasteboard, instead of the keywords.
I realize the Kagi plugin for Safari can't provide this behavior, but I was sort of surprised Orion doesn't. I have to hit tab 5 times to start modifying my search terms, which slows me down like 5x (assuming I don't hit command+L by instinct - that might actually cause me to use a pointing device!)
It would be especially amazing if I could choose to use vim or emacs key bindings, but just the same functionality Safari has would likely convince me to use Orion (and donate/subscribe).
You can demo the behavior I want in Safari, using any of its supported search engines.
Type some words into the search/URL bar and hit return. You don't have to do anything to start modifying the terms. Use the arrow keys, option+arrow keys, etc. Hitting escape twice should undo your changes