23 days later

I'm still hoping for this as well! Sigma OS and Arc both have good implementations to reference.

    I would like to propose a new feature for vertical tabs where it is possible for the sidebar with vertical tabs to auto-hide and re-appear once you hover your mouse cursor over the left-edge of browser.

    This feature is available in Arc Browser and I really like it, as it gives you a really clean design and whole screen to browse websites. In 'Standard' and 'Compact' tabs modes, the UI is already cluttered and not to mention working with many tabs is nearly impossible to see what you really have opened.

    EDIT: I just noticed that this very same Forums have the feature I am describing! Once I posted this suggestion, I noticed that the sidebar is appearing and hiding automatically, depending on my mouse cursor position. So basically, this same feature, but for Vertical Tabs window!

    A user would have an option in Settings to toggle the 'Auto-Hide' sidebar for Vertical Tabs. When toggled ON, the sidebar with vertical tabs automatically dissappears once the user moves the mouse cursor out of left-edge of Orion Browser.

    To bring the sidebar back into view, user would move the mouse cursor to the left-edge of Orion browser and the Vertical Tabs sidebar would hover-over the web-content on the left-side for the user to interact with. Arc Browser does this.

      Merged 2 posts from Auto-Hide vertical tabs window.

        I noticed @Vlad that you mention a lot that this is not according to Apple's guidelines. However, this should not mean that the feature request / UX is bad. It seems that community would appreciate such feature, meaning that it is a good UX. I learned about it in Arc Browser, which is why I really like it. Their vertical tab management is far more superior than any other browser out there (Favourites, Pinned / Folders, and auto-closing tabs the rest) with the addition of auto-closing sidebar.

        Besides, those who do not like that, can always click the toggle button on sidebar to permanently PIN it there.

        I agree with @Nitrousoxide wholeheartedly, Focus mode is not even close to what we want. We want to utilise the real estate of the browser to view the content, not the tabs, and then easier switching between tabs. In fullscreen mode, you still have to click the tab menu button to bring back the tabs. Why not just hovering over the edge instead?

        • Vlad replied to this.

          DaveOrion We try to strike a careful balance. Apple HIG exists for a reason and many people enjoy Orion because it is a 100% native app that follows HIG (unlike, say, Arc). That is not to say that we are not ready to experiment but we would still like to ground these things in examples from Apple native apps. This is one of the things we are looking into as precedent does exist in full screen mode.

            19 days later

            It would be nice if the left sidebar could be open by simply moving the mouse cursor to the left edge of the browser. I am coming from Arc, so that is what I am used to, but it is the most natural feeling to just drift over, click another tab, click a pinned tab, whatever. Honestly, I would advocate for a wholesale copy of the entire left sidebar behaviour of Arc, but that's a lot to wrap up into one request. By far, the simplest improvement, and the one I feel is lacking the most, is just the ease of access. The keyboard shortcut is just a bit awkward, and clicking the sidebar icon work, but is fussy if you want to go back and forth often.

              Merged 2 posts from Open sidebar using mouse movement.
                a month later

                This is simple (and I admit I am unabashedly drawing this from my experience with Arc). I simply want to open the sidebar by move the mouse cursor to the left side of the screen. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Cmd-S works, but it's awkward, and on some website s that trap keyboard actions it doesn't always work.

                I will say more generally...everything you choose to copy from Arc will make me like Orion more, but the mouse movement to open the sidebar would be the biggest thing.

                  Merged 2 posts from Open sidebar with mouse.

                    Rather than only showing the side bar automatically in full screen mode, like safari, if you hover over the left side of the browser in regular windowed mode it would pop out for you.

                    This would greatly speed up being able to access the vertical tabs and windows from the side bar. I am coming from regularly using the Arc browser and this is one of the features that I truly miss.

                      Merged 2 posts from Auto-show side bar in regular, window mode.

                        We are planning this for next release hopefully.

                        I was wondering if it was possible to turn on hiding for verticle tabs, similar to how it works in full screen mode, but for non full screen mode. Being able to hover over the left side of my screen to bring up tabs would be nice.

                        This is something that I got used to while using Arc Browser before switching, and its been one of the only things thats been mildly irritating. I got used to the extra space you get when the tabs are not shown on screen. However, every time I want to switch tabs, I have to click on the tab icon in order to have my other tabs show up, when can be cumbersome for every single time I want to switch tabs. It would be nice to have the hiding feature that in full screen mode, for non full screen mode

                          Merged 2 posts from Hiding feature for verticle tabs in non full screen.

                            Xyth I actually had no idea that existed, and yeah it does work, although it’s very…sluggish. I’d want a much snappier speed ideally.

                            But yeah….that, but out of full screen. I usually run “pseudo full screen” (to the screen edge, but not genuine full screen), so my mind still expects mostly full screen experience.

                              18 days later

                              Is there any way to make the sidebar appear and disappear when I hover in that region?
                              Yes, basically in the exact same way Arc does.

                              Having a sidebar always open defeats the purpose, I feel, of being able to maximize screen real estate.

                              maximize screen real estate and provide a new way to interact with vertical tabs

                                The sidebar doesn't have to be always open. It can be hidden away either by clicking the "Hide Sidebar" button or CTRL+CMD+S key shortcut.

                                  I agree with this. It’s better to automatically show and hide the sidebar when moving the mouse to the left edge, as in Arc, omitting the mouse click step.

                                    I would actually hate that, so if it is made a thing like in Safari, it should be a setting for sure.