oxmynx It could help if you found exact steps to reproduce the problem.

    Merged 5 posts from Random page reload.

      This is happening to me too, I detected it in X (Twitter) and Reddit, when I start to scroll down at some point randomly Orion refresh the page.
      No extensions installed, does not matter if I do the scroll with mouse, trackpad or down key.

      Also I noticed the same reload behaviour in Twitter when I go back from one page to another. Orion shows the previous page but it refresh the page after a few seconds.

        8 days later

        Can anyone confirm the issue is fixed with the latest RC?

          So far, so good for me with the latest RC.

          Edit: Nvm. The bug still exists.

            Vlad As mentioned earlier in this post. This issue is happening randomly. A certain website or certain behavior doesn't trigger it. For me, it happens once a day.

            • Vlad replied to this.

              rosenrot Yeah that doe snot help at all unfortuantely. I use Orion 24/7 and it does not ever occur. This is not some extension causing it?

                Vlad Yeah, I know. I don’t have any extension installed nor do I use multiple profiles. I will try to provoke this issue somehow. Let’s see if others add to this topic as it occurs for them.

                  I can confirm that it happens rather randomly. I had it yesterday for the Proton Calendar website but unfortunately don‘t have a video as it only happens very occasionally and it‘s hard to reproduce.

                    Like others, it seems completely random and hard to predict (and therefore capture) but does seem to only happen on certain sites while others seem immune from the issue. I notice it mostly on outlook.office.com and Twitter.com, but I’m also on those sites more than others. I will try to capture a video but it’s just going to look like a reload. It’s particularly frustrating for me with outlook because I can be in the midst of typing and email and it will refresh and lose what I’ve typed.

                    Edit: Just happened to me in Gmail inbox also. No extensions.

                      I managed to record it for my Proton Mail and Proton Calendar service. It happens three times during the attached video rather randomly (no fixed intervall). The problem is not so much the reload itself (though it's annoying when you're in the middle of typing and e-mail) but the fact that you need to reauthenticate afterwards.

                        I also managed to record this time a random reload of our proprietary accounting system. Same problem: after the reload the need to authenticate which fails in this case.

                          ProtonMail, StartMail... even OrionFeedback has just randomly refreshed for me while I was scrolling the page to the bottom 😄
                          The worst part is that it might refresh during the payment process or other sensitive operation (it actually happened for me during ProtonMail payment, and in the end payment went through but Proton did not upgrade because the page has been refreshed in the "bad luck" momen 😅).

                          Is some kind of a memory leak causing this? It makes the browser completely unreliable...

                          I do experience this occasionally as well on Sometimes it's twitter, sometimes orionfeedback, often fastmail.

                            I have somehow the impression it's related to the iCloud sync. I say that because it also occasionally happens to me that a closed window suddenly reopenes, presumably because in the synced tab info it's still stored. What if this also causes the other windows to reopen? I also experienced that suddenly I opened a new Orion RC window and a stored tab group and the tabs are suddenly duplicated and contain plenty of tabs that I had closed long time ago. Maybe this can be a hint?

                              One more pointer towards a relation to the iCloud sync of tab groups/windows. I deleted the saved window where the problem primarily happened, created a new one and opened again all the tabs that previously had the problem. For now, the issue did not reappear.

                                @oxmynx for the sync problem we have the issue #6912. My tabs reload sometimes even with sync disabled.