What happened? How did it happen? What are the steps to replicate the issue.
The oisd big list crashed the content blocker on

  1. Go to Settings -> Privacy -> Show Filter Lists
  2. Add https://big.oisd.nl/
  3. Hit "Update Now".

You should get stuck. It'll never finishe updating. And if you try to uncheck/recheck remove any of the lists...that dialog should be janky and not work.

What did you expect to happen? Describe the desired functionality.
oisd big list to apply successfully

What version of Orion are you running?

  • dino replied to this.
    10 days later

    @dino Success! Nice one.

    No crash, new suggestion: feels like it needs a progress indicator soon, as the lack of feedback for 45 seconds when updating leaves one nervous.

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