Soham We reserve that space for absolute crucial defaults that everyone will use. Summarizer is limited to Kagi accounts only.

So we need to carefully think about the UX for this.

    10 days later

    Vlad What if we added it into the right click page?

    It could fit here

      13 days later


      I think this is an excellent idea! Let a summarize function be built into reader view, and if the user isn't already in reader view, the summarize function should open the summarized content in reader view. Instead of pop-up windows.

        a month later

        Seems like this could be done pretty easily with a Programmable Button: Open URL -> https://kagi.com/summarizer/index.html?url=%u

        In the below I have the button next to Reader View with the Summation symbol:

        The bigger ask would be to Summarize paywalled text when I'm logged in on Orion. For example, summarize the WSJ article I'm reading while I'm logged into WSJ. Currently Universal Summarizer can't handle this, but it seems like something that Orion could implement as an added incentive for Kagi users to switch.


        Standard reader
        Reader style summary that shorterns the article by removing things that aren't necessary. Changes to the article content should be limited, mostly just gets rid of the fluff that every page has now.
        Reader style summary that is much more high level and shorterns the article greatly

        In my use experience, the standard reader already removes all the unnecessary stuff, such as ads etc. I think summarising could be an acton within reader view, without any different levels of summarization.

          carl By that I meant things that a summarize command wouldn't deem unnecessary but are part of the article -easiest example being the 3,000 words before a recipe on a recipe article. Even summarized I don't want to read someone's life story while making cookies 🙂

          Vlad This looks nice. Anything for mobile?

          Random thought to add a crumb of revenue here, non-kagi users being able to purchase credits just via apple-pay and no kagi account? Makes more sense on mobile than desktop ofc. Have considered 0 implications or anything of this....added in the moment as a way to maybe get revenue from non-kagi users who see the browser, like the feature, and slowly get driven towards kagi..? IDK

          10 months later
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