Brief Summary
I’d like an easy way to send the current URL on mobile to Universal Summarizer. Currently I manually add the !sum bang to the front of the URL, but I find it cumbersome. Would be great if it were a built in command. (I also tried adding the Kagi extension to mobile, but couldn’t get that to work.)

Universal summarizer is an incredibly useful feature. The desktop extension already enables a quick feed of a URL to the summarizer. Just looking for that same kind of easy workflow on mobile.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    I’m indifferent on how it is implemented (and not a programmer so don’t know what is viable). But options would be:

    A “Summarize Page” menu item either in the menu accessible from the favicon to the left of the URL or the three dot menu in the bottom right.

    Or Summarize Page could be an option on the share menu if that’s something you can add to.

    Or maybe it could be an icon in the icon bar that appears above the keyboard when typing in the URL field (though I can’t think of one I’d delete from that).

    Of all the options, a menu item on the Favicon menu is the one that seems most sensible. But as I said, I’m just looking for a one or two click option to get the URL to the summarizer.


    • Vlad replied to this.

      scottharris1014 Suggest the feature you would like to see and eactly describe the ask. Do not make us think. For example, if it is Summarize Page menu item, in what menu? Where?

      What happens if this is prominent and the user does not have a Kagi account and thus they do not get a summary ?

      Try to think through about it and describe it.

        As someone who lacks the skills to program and wouldn't be doing the programming work, I was just trying to be respectful of your time (and the team's time) since I've got no clue what work would be involved in implementing any of the options.

        But since you asked, here goes:

        I'd add a menu item called "Summarize Page" to the Favicon menu. I'd put it below "Find on Page."

        Clicking the menu item would open the URL https://kagi.com/summarizer/index.html?url=[current URL]

        If the Orion user is a Kagi subscriber, they'll get the summary.

        If the user does not have a Kagi account, they'll see the page that Universal Summarizer already generates if someone who does not have a Kagi account tries to use it (this is a screen shot of what I see in the Chrome browser on my iPhone, where I'm not logged into my Kagi account).

        I'm not sure what the percentage of Orion iOS/iPadOS users is who do not have a Kagi account, but it seems to me that this screen would be good at introducing such users to Kagi and the summarizer, potentially creating new users. (I'm assuming that's why the red text and link to Kagi Search already appears there). That seems a net positive to me. But if you're concerned that having a feature in Orion that only works for Kagi subscribers would be a turn off to some Orion users, you could also add an option in Settings -- I'd put it under Search Engine Suggestions -- that gives the option to Show or Hide the Summarize Page menu option.

        • Vlad replied to this.

          scottharris1014 This is very good feedback.

          • Add an option in Settings -- Search Engine Suggestions -- that gives the option to Show or Hide the Summarize Page menu option if the user enabled Kagi as their default search engine. Default on.

          • If on, it would show a menu item under favicon menu under Find on Page

          Any ideas where to place this on desktop?

            Thanks. For desktop, I've got the Kagi extension on my row of icons at the top of the screen (I forget what that's called).

            It is just 2 clicks to summarize -- and I like the fact that it opens the summary in a stand-alone window (and that I can change the summary engine if I want / need to).

            Hard to see how it could be more convenient than that by adding it to a menu item on desktop. But if you were to, I suppose it would belong in the Tools menu, perhaps either above or below Edit Text on Page?

            Neat idea. Lots of users using GPT/similar to summarize webpages or pieces of text from the web. Why not cut out the middle man and make that simpler. My thoughts on the UI for this on mobile at least:

            • There's already a spot for functions related to the current webpage, the "aA" button in location bar, which has the reader options at the top of that menu when clicked, plus other webpage specific options
            • This is kind of like a supercharged reader, not only boiling the page down to its content, but boiling that content down even further to the summary
            • Feature should go right under reader. When clicked, it should open in a similar interface to the reader, but with the summarized version.
            • Vlad replied to this.

              Makes sense to still keep it near the reader, an icon on .the side. In fact, I'm willing to bet users know if they're the type to read a full article or not and thus don't really need to be able to rapidly switch between reader / summary. You could possibly just view this as a "enhanced reader " with 3 strength evels:

              • Standard reader
              • Reader style summary that shorterns the article by removing things that aren't necessary. Changes to the article content should be limited, mostly just gets rid of the fluff that every page has now.
              • Reader style summary that is much more high level and shorterns the article greatly

              For the middle strength concept, I tested this prompt and it worked well:

              Repeat this article, but with the most useless 40% of sentences removed. Do not modify the context of the article besides deleting the useless sentences. All remaining sentences should be found in the original article, verbatim. ALL section headers shoud remain. The article: ....

                nan3943 Good thoughts. How would this be enabled in relation to current reader? How many extra clicks are needed?

                  Perhaps a good idea would be to have in Tools -> Summarize This Page as well as right click on the reader icon. The summary would open in a new popup window. similar to how Kagi search extension does it

                    5 days later

                    Vlad I started making a mockup so forgot to respond, but realized I’m bad at mockups. So quick explanation. I don’t use the desktop version much but assume there’s a reader mode button near the URL bar. Essentially it would be 0 extra clicks:

                    • Reader mode button functions as it does currently.
                    • Mobile or desktop, wherever the reader mode settings are: add a slider with 3 options which changes the reader mode behavior for this page and all future reader mode usages (refreshes current reader view if it is open).


                    • imo the feature is added without adding apparent complexity to Orion. It’s just an extension of reader mode.
                    • can have per site settings easily to automatically summarize e.g news articles

                    Assumption in it setting the reader mode persistently is that users aren’t often switching between legacy reader mode and summarized mode. Or at least not often enough for it to matter that it’s behind one setting. Maybe that’s not true

                    a month later

                    What does your feature entail? What is it for? How will it affect existing workflows or user experience?
                    Kagi has the summariser which gave me inspiration to think of implementing it into Orion and maybe adding other AI features. I understand this is quite a big task so it's fine if it is something that is later down the line. It can be used to summarise web pages if needed or other related AI features.

                    What are the exact ways that you see a user using your proposed feature? Please go into as much detail as possible, and provide examples of how other browsers/apps implement this feature, if applicable. If your feature suggestion adds on to an existing feature, how would it work into it to extend its usefulness?
                    A user loads up a web page and presses a button in the title bar or maybe a custom button. Then it would perform a certain AI feature such as summarising the web page. It could be based off Kagi summariser. Chrome sort of implements this with Bard and the search sidebar.

                    • Vlad replied to this.
                      Merged 1 post from Orion AI / Summariser.

                        Soham Please expand on the desired UX to use this feature.

                          The button can be placed where the boxes are or by the user's choice and they press it and then the extension window will pop up, when you press it, it will automatically grab the url for kagi to summarise and then the user would press summarise in the extension pop-up window, then the summarised text would show up in the extension or maybe as a sidebar to scroll through.

                          • Vlad replied to this.