Steps to reproduce:
With 1Password Chrome extension installed, and 1Password locked:

  1. Visit https://harvestly.org (logged out)
  2. Click "My Account" then "Sign in"
  3. Notice 1Password autofill button is missing. Unlock 1Password via extension button in toolbar.
  4. Notice that 1Password is unable to fill in login credentials
  5. Reload the page
  6. Click "My Account" then "Sign in"
  7. 1Password is now able to fill in login credentials

Expected behavior:
1Password is able to fill in login credentials without needing to reload the page

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)
Build date Jul 31 2023
MacBook Pro (macOS Ventura 13.5.1 build 22G90)


    a month later

    @Vlad The latest RC ( works better, but here's another website where autofill doesn't quite work with 1Password: https://www.oracle.com/cloud/sign-in.html

    1. Visit https://www.oracle.com/cloud/sign-in.html
    2. Enter "Cloud Account Name" and click "Next" (may need to sign up for an account first)
    3. Try to fill in log in credentials with 1Password. Notice contextual menu does not pop up. And "Autofill" button does not work from the extention toolbar icon.
      9 days later
      7 days later

      I have this issue the vast majority of the time, and oftentimes it doesn't seem to work, even with a reload

      Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)
      Build date Jul 31 2023

        1Password for Mac is basically useless with Orion RC. I see the Orion lock key on logins, and not the 1Password lock and 1P autofill broken 99% of the time too.

          HippoCampus, make sure your Orion settings match the screenshot. If you do, 1Password works quite well except a race condition that requires an occasional reload listed in another feedback.

            Vlad go to any site and 9 times out of 10 no 1password icon is shown.

              Interesting, I'd say mine is probably 50-75% first load. Almost always works after reloaded if needed. Not perfect, but getting better.

                7 days later

                Just tried Version 0.99.126-beta, and 1Password is no better than before. No lock icon or auto fill on nearly any site. Makes Orion completely useless for me.

                • Vlad replied to this.

                  HippoCampus Steps to reproduce or your report is completely useless too. Remember we are not 1PW users, and 'it does not work' has zero value in understanding what the problem is, let alone help fix it.

                    @Vlad would you like an account for testing? I have several slots available in my family plan.

                    I will try to record a video of how this issue presents. Basically, the page loads with no prompt to fill in the password. Reloading the page 1-2 times usually fixes this.

                    • Vlad replied to this.

                      MisterTwo We can create an account, and add password. Just need steps to reproduce. My standard go to news.ycombinator.com login works perfectly with 1P.

                        5 days later

                        I came here looking for a solution to my 1Password woes as well. I love Kagi, and through it loved when I found Orion (paying for both). But unfortunately the 1Password extension definitely isn't great.

                        Now, 1Password has always been flaky (if I had infinite time, I would have migrated to an alternative, but it's what I use, and what I taught my family to use, so we're stuck with it for now).

                        As for reproducing the issue, the 1Password integration fails to work (no icon in the text field, and the "autofill" button in the extension pop-up also doesn't work) on most websites I've visited so far, but not all.

                        I just tried news.ycombinator.com, and it does indeed work 100% of the time there. In contrast, this website, and on youtube.com (which redirects to accounts.google.com), the extension did not load, and autofill does not work, reloading the page multiple times does not help.

                        The fact that the devs are active here and asking for reproducible steps makes me optimistic that this will be fixed soon. For now, I'm accepting the inconvenience due to all the other amazing features I get in return (to me, it's Safari, but with an actual good sidebar tab view), but it's definitely a paper cut I could do without in my daily work.

                        • Vlad replied to this.
                          8 days later

                          Installed latest RC today. 1Password extension 2.17. Still totally broken on many sites. chase.com, usbank.com, iberia.com, etc. does work on a handful of other sites like southwest.com. On americanexpress.com I do get the 1P key icon in the user ID and password fields, but clicking on them does not fill any values.

                          • Vlad replied to this.