Brief Summary
When we enter something in a search bar the only way to move between suggestions is trackpad/mouse or arrow keys which is not really convenient.

My suggestion is to add the ability to move to the next suggestion with a Tab key which is already pretty common in browsers: for example we can use tab to move to other buttons or other elements of the interface in the website.
In the video below I show an example how it might work as a feature: firstly I show that tab doesn't do a thing (you can watch pressed keys in a right bottom corner) and then I show that we can move between suggestions only with arrows.


  • Vlad replied to this.

    I don't mind this idea but what would you do if you are not on the blank/start page then tho? just curious is all

      yes, or at least someway to move between suggestions without taking a hand off home row

      portastar Sorry I don’t really understand the question. Why the behaviour should be any different?

      While the search bar is in focus the page wouldn’t do anything with your Tab or any keystrokes.

      I’ve just tried it and it doesn’t do anything with page.

        Vlad In Safari it jumps to the elements of the page when I'm focusing the search bar and use Tab. It Orion it stays focused on the search bar so I though my suggestion would be possible.

          4 days later

          eirk yep, coming from Chrome I keep trying to do this. would love to see it (or some similar operation implemented) 🙂

          8 days later

          @Vlad relatively simple issue, i think its been clarified enough too

          • Vlad replied to this.

            eirk This is not a recognized pattern of usage on macOS, so implementing it would be precendent - that is the consideration. Looking for a precedent in another macOS native app.

              Vlad It was a default behaviour in previous macOS versions to move between system elements with Tab and Shift + Tab. Now they removed this by default, but you still could access this.

              I don't thing this is something special; the features like this are little QoL improvements: they don't make browser any heavier and they don't clutter the interface though the person who used it in previous browser will likely to land here and won't be thinkinking about switching to something else.

              18 days later
              15 days later

              @Vlad tab works, but shift-tab doesn't... shift-tab must also be implemented

              a month later
              No one is typing