• Using languages other than English causes elements to be displayed outside (translations UI)

  • BugsDesktopMobileDone

Steps to reproduce:
Open the Settings from Orion > Settings... > General > Change the language from English to French for instance.

Expected behavior:
The window should expand a little bit for all the buttons and text to be readable inside the settings windows.

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22) Build Date Jul 31 2023
MacOS Ventura 13.4.1 (c), MacBook Pro 15" 2019


  • Vlad replied to this.
  • Beyond this specific bug of the multiline and always possible improvements of translations, is there no way to automatically adapt the interface of the windows (autolayout, size, etc.) to the different languages ?
    XCode seems to me to offer the necessary tools and many other applications that I use on a personal basis seem to be perfectly fine with these localization problems.

    For example :

    A good localization and adapted interface greatly contribute to the pleasure and daily use of an application. Even the best application in the world that would not offer an example in these areas would see a good part of its non-English speaking users turn away.

    romain-v This is in general problem with translations. If the translated string is longer than the english original it will not fit in the UI.

    You can help by contributing changes to translations https://localazy.com/p/orion-browser

      There seems to be other problems then just the translation strings being to long, here is french and english compared:

      you can see that in the Sync: Enable.... that it takes up two lines of space while on the french one, its just gets cut off after 1 line.

      Also looking at some of theese examples im not sure you can translate all of them them in a different way so they take up less space, if it should be correct. so i don't think that re translating them is a viable solution in all cases


        you can see that in the Sync: Enable.... that it takes up two lines of space while on the french one, its just gets cut off after 1 line.

        Can you report this as a seperate bug ?


          honestly I don't see the point in doing that. Every single post theres been about translations going beyond the UI, you point to the translation itself. Where as pointed out here, making the translation shorter isn't really an option. if you don't have the resources to adjust the UI to each language ATM then thats fine with me, or that it isn't possible to have the UI frame dynamically adjust to what ever length the content have then OK..

          But I think its very demotivating for the people putting an effort into translating the language correctly, when you kinda imply something being wrong with what they did as a default responds (thats the impression one get), when in some cases It's a problem that lies elsewhere, and kinda ignored when thats pointed out.

            Longely This is different as the UI control itself behaved differently (being multiline vs single line) so it is something we can look at.

              7 days later

              Beyond this specific bug of the multiline and always possible improvements of translations, is there no way to automatically adapt the interface of the windows (autolayout, size, etc.) to the different languages ?
              XCode seems to me to offer the necessary tools and many other applications that I use on a personal basis seem to be perfectly fine with these localization problems.

              For example :

              A good localization and adapted interface greatly contribute to the pleasure and daily use of an application. Even the best application in the world that would not offer an example in these areas would see a good part of its non-English speaking users turn away.

                _theophraste Possible yes, probably a lot of work. Not a problem of possible but of prioritization given 2000 other open issues. What woud you do?

                  6 days later


                  What woud you do?

                  firstly I would start with acknowledging that it isn't always the translation that is wrong, instead of just ignoring it each time its pointed out, really just turns people off.

                  Then suggest to whoever raises the problem to open a suggestion of having UI dynamically adjust to the language text lenght and say it's definitely something we can look into if enough people vote it up amongst the other issues we currently have open.

                    Steps to reproduce:
                    Open Voorkeuren (Preferences), next click on Wachtwoorden (Passwords).

                    Expected behavior:
                    All text in the window should be readable. However, some parts of the Dutch-translation are cut off at the right end of the window. No way to scroll to / read the remaining part.

                    Orion, OS version; hardware type:
                    Software: Versie 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)
                    Bouwdatum Jul 31 2023
                    MacBook Airbuild 20G1345)
                    OS version: 11.7.7
                    Hardware: MacBook Air M1


                      Merged 1 post from Text wider than window in Passwords section (Dutch translation).
                        Vlad changed the title to Using languages other than English causes elements to be displayed outside (translations UI) .
                          2 months later

                          In German the "Don't use" button of the "suggested password window" is cut off.

                          1. Register for any website
                          2. In the password field: Open drop down via key 🔑 Icon
                          3. Choose "Suggest New Password"
                          4. Click on the inserted password to open the "Don't use" window depicted in the screenshots

                          The text above the buttons is cut off as well for German language. I assume this to be the case for any language that uses mor space than Englisch?

                          Button not cut off

                          Version 0.99.125-beta (WebKit 616.1.22)

                          Monterey (12)

                          • Vlad replied to this.

                            I wouldn't know how this would help. The translation is fine as far as I can see. And what could I do anyways? Butcher the translation until it fits the pop up window? How would I even verify that it fits and doesn't get cut off still?!

                            I don't think this is the way to go about this issue. It's not top priority, I know, but the proper way would be to handle the pop up window's size contextually, wouldn't it? At least Safari seems to do so:

                              adkiem Correct, that would be preferred. Unfortuantely insane amount of work, as there are hundreds of UI elements across the app and thus I suggested a quick fix.

                                Merged 4 posts from Password recommendation window: "Don't use" button cut off in German..

                                  Vlad I took a look at the translation.

                                  First, there is no really shorter translation for "Don't use" button except for using maybe a simple "No". The "Use Strong Password" button could be changed to just "Use" so you'd have "Don't use" and "Use".

                                  But I think it is better to keep it the way it is and wait until contextual window size is implemented because in this case I assume that a) people know what decisions the two buttons reflect and b) that it's better to keep a correct and better translation instead of creating a scenario where a bad or ambigues translation get's dragged along although contextual window size is already implemented.

                                  Second, especially for the long text above the buttons the above mentioned issues remains: I wouldn't know for sure if the new translation then fits.