Orion only allows one YouTube video to be open in a window at a time
Can yo clarify this? Do you mean Orion Web App?
How would user open mutliple windows?
Orion only allows one YouTube video to be open in a window at a time
Can yo clarify this? Do you mean Orion Web App?
How would user open mutliple windows?
Let me rephrase: The YouTube site that you can install locally as a web app via Orion > Tools > Install this site as an app does not currently allow you to open more than one YouTube window as you can with the YouTube web app installed from Chrome, and therefore you cannot switch between multiple YouTube windows as you can with the YouTube web app installed from Chrome.
I don't know the inner workings of Chrome's YouTube web app, but I like that I can have multiple YouTube videos stacked together and that I can watch any video I want from the stack at any time by clicking either Subscriptions or Explore, which opens a new window where I can 'save' a YouTube video and add it to the stack.
Does this help?
PS: I probably should've titled the post --Allow multiple windows to open from within Orion's YouTube web app--, sorry.
Currently, Orion only allows one YouTube video to be open in a window at a time Orion only allows you to open one YouTube window with the YouTube web application from Orion. This can be inconvenient for users who want to watch multiple videos at the same time or switch between videos quickly. I suggest that Orion allow users to open multiple YouTube windows, similar to how Chrome and other browsers do Orion allow users to have multiple YouTube windows open at the same time, similar to Chrome and other browsers.
I think this isn't specific to YouTube. What you actually want is to have multiple instances of a single web app.
ForumNinja404 long story short, that's it.
I've thought of mentioning 'instances', but for some reason or another I chose to actually go with 'windows'.
There are some places where this behavior is desirable, like YouTube or Wikipedia. Other times it may not, like Zoom or MS Teams. I'm guessing this should be an additional checkbox in the web app installation menu to prevent unwanted opening of multiple windows.
I don't know the inner workings of Chrome's YouTube web app, but I like that I can have multiple YouTube videos stacked together and that I can watch any video I want from the stack at any time by clicking either Subscriptions or Explore, which opens a new window where I can 'save' a YouTube video and add it to the stack.
Can you maybe post a video of this? its still unclear to me if its having multiple windows of a single webapp, or if theres something different about the chrome youtube webapp
mihai_chindris Can you specify how would user open more windows in the Web Abb?
possibly cmd+n to open it at the original site homepage. more instances seems like a good idea , yea
also tag for mobile and orionfeedback.org is incorrect
Vlad Check this article that talks about Chrome’s Tab Strips, please - https://chromeunboxed.com/how-to-open-multiple-instances-one-window-web-app
Would love to see this implemented.
Brief Summary
Allow an option to enable creating of new windows in web-apps
An option to enable new windows (like a checkbox) when creating web-apps. This will be really useful for some web-apps created using notion.so and google docs. and keeping that option off by default will avoid unnecessary bugs in other web apps (I guess). Please implement this I hope you've disabled these options for web apps and it's possible to implement it. Thanks in advance.
thuvasooriya What would this do exactlty and how wouild it work?
This is the current web app creating panel. I guess it is possible to add a check box next to Floating on top or something to Enable new windows option i guess.
This is what happens when you press CMD + N in Orion currently (It creates new instances of Orion) and unfortunately and reasonably this is not true for web apps by default.
I hope similar thing can be enabled in web apps. And it will be useful for certain document editing web apps and so (Eg: Google Docs, Notion)
Because currently you can only work with one document and if you want to open another one you have to backtrack and open it and loose the current one or open the other one in orion or any other browser (which i guess defeats the whole purpose of this being a separate app and all)
So If a similar implementation of New windows was to be given as an option to web apps some web apps would certainly benefit from it. At least that's what I think. Hope I explained it well. Thanks for the reply.
@"thuvasooriya"#p29149I understand thanks. In principle we do not want to add browser features to web apps to prevent them from turning into full browsers (and we would get there if we would start adding 'just one more thing').
Perhaps you are looking to run multiple instanced of the web app, and maybe this should be handled at the system level.
Vlad Thank you for the reply and the resource. I understand your concern and was just suggesting something that would enhance a large segment of web apps (I guess).
I'm not actually looking to create multiple instances. My intent was organizing and multitasking in web-apps.
I could just create many new windows of Orion and open the site(notion or something) and put on focus mode (btw the focus mode is so awesome) and That's what I was doing before the web-apps anyway.
And it wouldn't clutter the the bar below with many clones of same icon like in the ss below and it would also work nicely with mission control too unlike the below implementation of creating a new instance from terminal with
do shell script "open -n /Applications/Simplenote.app"
which is actually an awesome method (only worthwhile method from that list ) for edge cases.
I was just expecting "one more" option when creating web-apps in this case creating new windows. (Which honestly I've tried to press CMD+N in majority of the web-apps I've created and later realized it wouldn't work and got frustrated.)
But I also understand your goal of keeping the web app simple. That's why I suggested giving it as an option when creating and keeping it off by default like "Float on top" option. But if you consider that undermines the purpose of web-apps that's ok. I just feel like it's just a natural thing in most electron based implementation of apps too so it wouldn't be a far fetch to consider new windows as a natural feature of web-apps.
At the end of the day it's up to you to envision the Orion and what the implementation of web apps is to be. I would be happy if it was available in web apps otherwise I'll flirt with Orion a bit more. Kudos