chiefhoser can you please try creating a clean profile and check?

Was supposed to look like this

    Clean profile, same result. Safari on top, Orion on bottom.

    • dino replied to this.

      chiefhoser is there any accesibilty settings you toggled in System Preferences? Also, what happens if you toggle Use Mini Toolbar?

      Also, I noticed that your Safari has a top-border in bookmarks bar (which is not visible for me on same macOS version), so I suspect some external setting is causing this.

        I have not changed any accessibility settings but I reviewed them to be sure. I tried turning on the Mini Toolbar but that just made things smaller and corrupted the favicons while the focus was still on the settings window. The corruption cleared once I returned focus to the main window.

        I'm not sure what you mean about a top-border in Safari. I tried quiting any extra apps like Bartender and Better Display but it made no difference.
        I've tried a number of browsers on my Mac: Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Orion is the only browser I've tried that has this problem with favicons being too small. I'd really like to address this issue since I otherwise am quite enjoying using Orion.

        • dino replied to this.

          chiefhoser I am talking about this separator, I think some default macOS setting is changed for some releason, and thats why bookmark bar in Orion is getting less space to draw icons. On my local machine, I can't see this separator in Safari (in Orion, we are explicitly hiding this separator, so it's not visible, but still taking space I guess).

            Okay, I'm going to try to figure out what is adding this border in Safari. My initial search of System Settings and Safari Settings has not turned up anything. I've also tried disabling extensions and utility programs, so far nothing has worked. Any idea of what setting or app could make this change? I'm lost!

              I figured out what was causing the border in Safari. It shows up when you have the tab layout set to "Compact". I changed it to "Separate" and the border is gone but I still have the small favicons in Orion.

              chiefhoser thats strange, we are unable to reproduce the issue, looks like we are missing something.

              What if you create single bookmark on clean profile? trying to figure out if some specific bookmark is causing this or something else.

                I already tried creating a single bookmark at random in a new profile. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing Orion but that didn't work either. I understand the difficulty in trying to fix a problem that you can't reproduce. To that end I'm willing to provide you any information that I can and will try whatever you suggest. I love what your team is doing with Orion and I very much want to use it as my main browser, but I'm quite fond of using a bookmarks bar and with my aging eyesight I need the favicons to be their "normal" size!

                I enabled guest access on my Mac and then logged in as Guest. I reinstalled Orion, created a profile and added a few sites to the bookmark bars. The favicon size was correct, the same as Safari. I have a 4k display (LG 48 CX) and by default the Mac sets resolution to 1920x1080, so on the guest account the favicons were good size, but even when I changed resolution to 3840x2160 they were still correct. I then logged back into my personal account and the favicons in Orion were once again too small. I changed my resolution from 3840x2160 (my normal setting) to 1920x1080. The favicons in Orion were larger, but still smaller than Safari. They also looked noticeably blurry, especially compared to how sharp the icons were in Safari.

                • dino replied to this.

                  chiefhoser can you please check Orion's info if it's marked as run in Low Resolution

                    I assume you want the output of "About Orion"? I don't see anything about low resolution in the output.

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