Brief Summary
When the Mac's battery drops to 10% Orion presents a notification offering to turn on low power mode. It would be nice to be able to tell Orion to never send that notification without having to disable all notifications entirely.

I don't recall ever opting in to these notifications from Orion and I can't find any way to turn them off, so right now the only way to disable them is to revoke Orion's notification permissions entirely. I'm sure some people find that prompt helpful but I only want notifications I have explicitly opted in to. This issue is made worse since each running profile seems to send its own notification, so when the battery hits 10% multiple (in my case unwanted) notifications appear at once. Orion is very good about respecting the user with e.g. its zero telemetry stance, so allowing more control here would be nice.

  • Vlad replied to this.

    I think they're referencing something like this. Either way please give us the option to disable messages like this. I get this when my battery reaches 10%, probably trying to ask me if I want to enable low power mode (even though I keep LPM on anyway because I appreciate the tab suspension). Messages like this that interrupt workflow are a little annoying for me. Perhaps a checkbox to turn them off would be great

    Vlad The specific ask is either asking users first whether they specifically want to receive the 'enable low power mode' prompt notifications when the battery falls to 10% so they can refuse them, or providing a way to opt out of receiving those notifications somewhere in Orion's settings (and ideally both so users who change their mind can opt out or opt back in later) without having to disable all Orion & website notifications at the OS level.

    • Vlad replied to this.

      adamaveray Please provide the text for the dialogue, options it should have and the end to end workflow. The less we have to think the faster we can develop things.

        Vlad To try and minimise the amount of changes required by the Orion team I would suggest the following:

        1. Add a checkbox under Settings' General or Browsing tabs for "Suggest enabling Low Power Mode" (ideally with small text below it saying "When this option is enabled Orion will suggest enabling Low Power Mode when 10% battery is remaining." so the user can see what the threshold is – the battery copy is based off iOS' Low Battery alert). As a bonus on Desktop Macs without batteries this Settings entry should not appear.

        2. While delivering the existing low battery notification add a UNNotificationAction for "Disable Suggestions" to deactivate the above option directly from the notification.

        This would preserve the current behaviour and require minimal new UI while providing an opt-out for users.

          4 months later

          Very glad I found this thread. This is so incredibly annoying when you want notifications from other sites but not the LPM one. I'm sure it's useful for some people, but I know my battery is low. I can manage my settings myself. Ended up having to turn off notifications altogether to get rid of it, although I'll admit that was slightly overkill

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