Steps to reproduce:
Using Kagi Browser in Private Mode. Since ios update version 1.2.9 it does not work.
Even in Normal Mode it does not work.
Testet Website: Wikipedia.org.

Expected behavior:
Showing Websites instantly in Dark Mode in Private Mode

Orion, OS version; hardware type:
Orion Browser, 1.2.9 (1) (WebKit 8614. / ios 16.2 - iP 14


    Squaretree changed the title to Darkreader ios does not work anymore .
      2 months later

      Dark reader is not properly working on mobile, sometimes when enabled on the current page it will go dark, but if i go to different page or refresh it reverts back to normal

      Also, what other extensions are said to work with Orion for mobile?


      • Vlad replied to this.

        tyler Please follow the entire bug report template and provide steps to reproduce. "Sometimes" this happens is not helpful at all.

          Before 1.2.9 it worked very well

          It still does not work on 1.2.10

            11 days later

            Most extensions show empty screen, regardless of which browser’s store they’re added from. Dark Reader’s interface is the only one I found that’s visible, but it’s not affecting the pages, showing “This page is protected by browser” for every website.

            Fresh installation, v1.2.10 (2) (WebKit 8615. / iPadOS 16.5.1

            Is this the case for iOS as well? Do any extensions actually work on these platforms?

              Vlad changed the title to Dark Reader doesn’t work on iPad .


                Is this the case for iOS as well? Do any extensions actually work on these platforms?

                No, there isnt alot working for iOS atm

                  Funny how the thread title “Extensions don’t work on iPad” was changed to “Dark Reader doesn’t.”

                  No, buddy, none of them do. I wish if were only Dark Reader.

                  I wonder if they did in the past?

                  • Vlad replied to this.

                    Gecko "None" is both not accurate and not helpful for the dev team. Most extensions do not work as the support is still WiP and experimental. The title was changed to reflect at least some steps to reproduce that were provided.

                      Given that Orion’s extension support is its most outstanding and important feature as an app in regards to iOS, what time frames are we looking at?

                      • Vlad replied to this.

                        Gecko Most users still care more for extension support on Orion desktop, and that is where we are focusing most of our efforts. Having said that, the team is small and there are 2,000 other issues we are tackling at the moment and upvotes on this forum are a major factor in steering our resources.

                          Cool cool cool. Let me know when extensions get fixed so I and other people with iPhones and iPads can begin using Orion instead of Brave and recommending it to others. I’m guessing that could be pretty beneficial for securing funding and aiding in taking care of those 2000 issues, but what do I know. Who cares about a browser supporting extensions on these platforms anyway, it’s not like there’s an unprecedented market opportunity to be seized here. After all, what are the chances of a competitive browser like Brave or some other one developing it sooner and stealing the entire Orion userbase that cares about extensions? Minimal. So actually, I wouldn’t particularly bother prioritizing it.

                          • Vlad replied to this.


                            Let me know when extensions get fixed so I and other people with iPhones and iPads can begin using Orion instead of Brave

                            Orion is already same or better than Brave on iOS. We have more features and better privacy (Orion is zero-telemetry by default). Brave has zero extension support so Orion is already better in that regard too. I'd like to understand what features from Brave are you actually missing in Orion iOS?

                              A video download option like in the Aloha Browser would be useful….


                                ? what is this a responds to? "Dark Reader doesn’t work on iPad"? Or the conversation about what Brave Browser has? either way i fail to soo what Aloha browser has to do with either

                                if you would like a video download option like Aloha browser it would make sense to make a new suggestion that isnt in the "Dark Reader doesn’t work on iPad" bug report


                                  With Aloha Browser not being Brave Browser it isnt very relevant to the conversation. since he was asking a specific individuel why he prefer Brave browser particularly "I'd like to understand what features from Brave are you actually missing in Orion iOS?"


                                  "if you would like a video download option like Aloha browser it would make sense to make a new suggestion that isnt in the "Dark Reader doesn’t work on iPad" bug report

                                  that way we dont cloud the convo