I just installed Orion, and that was the first thing I noticed: scroll wheel is not smooth and there is no setting to enable smooth scrolling.
Here is a video, on a 144hz refresh rate screen, using an external Logitech mouse using one-step scroll wheel. Orion on the right, compared to Firefox on the left:
Smoother Scrolling when using scroll wheel of external mouse
Vlad FYI, I don't have a way to record with a high refresh rate, but I just compared between both Safari and Orion on my M1 iMac and my M1 Max with Promotion. Promotion makes a significant difference with Orion. It's still not as smooth as Safari/Brave/Chrome on Promotion. I'm using a Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse, along with Mos app for butter smooth scrolling. But Orion with Promotion is managable with Promotion. Without it, it's not.
Smooth scrolling with Orion on my M1 Max is not as jumpy as on the M1 iMac, although it's still not as smooth as other browsers, but I do not use a mouse with my laptop. I suppose this means the refresh rate helps with smooth scrolling, but this probably was already known.
If there are other apps you'd like me to compare Orion with, I'm happy to. I don't quite understand why it smooth scrolling works with some apps, but not others. It's the same with PDF Expert. Very jumpy, to the point that I have to a trackpad on it. This is also the same no matter which smooth scrolling app I'm using. I've tried a dozen or so.
TechEnthusiast Ok watch out for our next release with new WebKit and try again.
Vlad Will do. FYI, I didn't think to record in slow motion, which better captures the jumpiness. On the right is Safari. The left is Orion. I scrolled at the same speed with a Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse on my M1 iMac. Recorded in slow mo on my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Watch the first 10 seconds or so and then skip to about 1:25 and watch the same. It's very evident on real time. I'd love to see a solution to this.
Outside of this, Orion is the only app I would actually pay to use. Everything else about it is phenomenal. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7kv8ryham4tk5c/Orion%20Scrolling%20Jumpy.mov?dl=0
TechEnthusiast Can you try with beta 114?
Vlad I just did. It got much worse. See video. This is recorded with a QuickTime screen video on M1 iMac. Safari on the left. Orion on the right. Safari is smoother than appears with this refresh rate. Orion is jumpier after this update. It's even jumping using the Magic Trackpad now. Before that wasn't the case. The trackpad was smooth.
Again, this scrolling is with Logitech Anywhere 3 mouse on M1 iMac.
Just wanted to chime in on this issue. Exactly the same experience here when moving from Firefox to Orion.
NoLooseEnds confirmed as well, as this one thing is keeping me from using the browser full-time, and really hope the devs can come up with a resolution for it.
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Smart, thanks for the tips. I actually discovered that Logitech Options+ has the option to turn on smooth scrolling. So now it's sort of fixed for me in Orion. Hope it don't break anything else.
EDIT: Ended up reverting to Mos and just whitelisting Orion. Logitech enabled smooth scrolling on everything, and that does not work especially well in i.e Acrobat.
I also ended-up using Mos, the only problem is that is seems to be emulating smooth scrolling by sending multiple small scroll inputs at once and this doesn't play well with a lot of video games and other programs (such as VSCode). I noticed that a lot of programs implement their own "smooth scrolling" behaviour for non-apple pointing devices (such as chromium-based browsers, firefox and VSCode). I think implementing a "smooth scroll" settings akin to what is done by these programs would make for a better experience.
This latest RC should have same scrolling as Safari, can anyone confirm?
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I don't use Orion as my main browser, but launched it and updated to the latest version: Version (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
Anyhow, I just did a quick test, and I feel the scroll is similar but not as smooth as Safari. The scrolling behavior feels sort of the same, but the "passing" graphics feels smoother on Safari. Not sure if that makes sense – or if I'm imagining things.
Using a Logitech MX masters mouse. Latest macOS.
When I'm using (WebKit 615.1.16.1)
, the scrolling feels about the same as Safari, but there may be slightly more clipping in Orion (on a 60hz screen) over images. It's a very, very marginal difference between Safari and Orion right now, but both are much worse than Firefox in this regard.
Because this issue is possibly Webkit specific or dependent on the mouse's driver support, users looking for smooth scroll functionality should use the open-source Mos utility app. This issue can be marked as No Fix.
+1 while webkit doesn't address this, Mos works with getting the same scrolling effect on safari/orion as on firefox/chrome
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Hello everyone, new to orion, seems Mouse scrolling still not so smooth till now?
There are a couple of solutions to this. As annoying as it is, this seems to be a Webkit problem , or Webkit intregration issue rather than Orion issue to some extent. Yes, Orion can fix this with ease, but I understand they might not want to.
I will suggest a couple of software : Mac Mouse Fix 2, Mos.
I personally use Mac Mouse Fix 2, it is flawless.
I hope this helps.