ForumNinja404 changed the title to Add ability to change keyboard shortcuts .
    Merged 3 posts from Add ability to change keyboard shortcuts .
      7 days later

      Vlad macOS system Keyboard settings do not allow all keys to be used when creating shortcuts. e.g. Ctrl+PgUp / Ctrl+PgDown are common shortcuts for switching tabs and the macOS System Settings does not allow PgUp or PgDown to be used in shortcuts. This is another reason to consider native support for custom keyboard shortcuts!

      4 months later

      davidkaya I also used SigmaOS for a while and really liked it. I still find myself trying to close tabs on Orion by pressing d...

      Additionally, related to this topic but a bit different: I often use the Keyboard Shortcut Settings in apps as a cheatsheet of what the shortcuts are, since I'm bad at remembering them, even when I'm not changing them. I even looked at the Orion User Guide and still could not find anything that resembled a shortcut cheatsheet.

      Another thing I liked about SigmaOS is that it really encourages you to use and remember the keyboard shortcuts by mentioning them in the tooltips when you're doing things with the mouse. Two examples from when you hover over the "close tab" and "new tab" buttons:

      • Vlad replied to this.

        meroron All Orion shortcuts are visible in the menus, and you can remap them using native macOS settings. It feels redundant to buiild the same functionality again?


          Sometimes I know where a functionality is in the interface but don't know where it is in the menus. I have to check the menus one by one looking for the functionality, and then even if I find it, I might forget where it was next time, when I'll have to look for it again (because I have to check what a shortcut is multiple times before I memorize it). Maybe it's just bad memory from ADHD, but I feel tons of friction doing it that way – and having to leave the app to open macOS settings to customize the shortcuts is also yet another layer of friction. (I do think the fact that multiple people have asked in this forum about how to customize the shortcuts shows that it is currently not clear enough for the user)

          Having the reminder what the keyboard shortcut is right in front of me as I used the app via mouse made it easy for me to remember the keyboard shortcuts without even trying, and then using shortcuts instead of the mouse made me much more efficient and using the browser felt much more fluid. I really only stopped using SigmaOS because performance was bad and it felt heavy/laggy, but I got so comfortable using it so quickly. With Orion, it's hard to find out what the shortcuts are, it's hard to memorize them, I end up giving up and just using the mouse, but then using the mouse feels slow and clunky, and it just gets a bit frustrating. I guess my answer is that sometimes redundancy is good?

          One keyboard shortcut I've been looking for a long time and haven't found yet is the one to un-indent a tab. In SigmaOS it was option + left arrow. So far in Orion the only way I've found to un-indent a tab / break it out of its group is to drag and drop it elsewhere in the sidebar, carefully trying to drag it to root level rather than into another group... it's been pretty tough.

            2 months later


            meroron Sometimes I know where a functionality is in the interface but don't know where it is in the menus. I have to check the menus one by one looking for the functionality, and then even if I find it, I might forget where it was next time, when I'll have to look for it again (because I have to check what a shortcut is multiple times before I memorize it). Maybe it's just bad memory from ADHD, but I feel tons of friction doing it that way – and having to leave the app to open macOS settings to customize the shortcuts is also yet another layer of friction. (I do think the fact that multiple people have asked in this forum about how to customize the shortcuts shows that it is currently not clear enough for the user)

            You can just hit ⇧⌘/ (or you can remember it as ⌘?) and type in the name of the menu item you want to click. If needed, use the up and down arrow keys to choose it and hit ⏎ to active it.

              5 days later

              Orion already supports mapping of extension shortcuts. Does this ask still stand?

              Orion (via the macOS Keyboard settings) does not support some common keyboard shortcuts such as e.g. Ctrl+PgUp / Ctrl+PgDown for switching tabs.
              Allowing these as keyboard shortcuts would allow muscle memory from other browsers to transfer to Orion.

              • Vlad replied to this.

                xjc That should be made in a separate feature suggestion, this one is about editing existing shortcuts.

                  Actually, this is about existing keyboard shortcuts. ⌃⇟ is the equivalent of ⌃⇥ (Show Next Tab) and ⌃⇞ is the equivalent of ⌃⇧⇥ (Show Previous Tab) in Chrome: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-shortcut-key-for-switching-tabs-in-the-Chrome-browser

                  What they are complaining about is that the macOS native feature in the System Settings app doesn’t allow the use of ⇟ and ⇞ as a key combination. Apple just forgot that extended keyboards exist. 😆

                    2 months later
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