Audio on YouTube and other websites can continue to play when going out of the app on iOS like Spotify/Apple Music does. Allow audio to continue playing when the app is not in focus or the screen is sleeping.

    I would very much like this options aswell, if technically possible. right now you can press the lock screen button and the music will stop. and then you can press play on the music player widget on the lockscreen, would be nice if you didnt have to press play again.

    I think it should be an option in settings tho, since some pepole might prefer everything to turn off when leaving the app, or locking screen

    • Vlad replied to this.

      I dont know about iOS browsers i only used Safari, but seems like Brave does, so i guess it should be technically possible

      Every desktop browser works in this way tho.
      Imagine you are watching a casual youtube video with the news or whatever, and you quickly want to send a simple text message. you would have to fullscreen the video, then press picture in picture to have it not stop while you do this simple task.

      and Picture in Picture is not ideal on smartphone anyway since you have way less screen space.

      Even while writting this on a desktop i have a video running in the background, i would get pretty anyoed if it would stop each time i had to do something quick outside the browser app

        9 days later
        3 months later
        Longely changed the title to Music Player/option to allow audio playback when app not in focus .
          a month later

          Interestingly enough I just found out today that you can kinda do this in Orion if you:

          1. make video full screen
          2. make it PIP
          3. go to home screen of the device, so app isnt in focus
          4. then lock the phone

          so i guess Orion is allready capable of doing it, but would be super nice to have the option to just do it automatically without all theese steps

            2 months later

            Yes, Brave on iOS performs this way.

            Like @Longely mentioned, it would be super nice to just be able to go back to the Home Screen or wherever and still be able to listen to the browser's audio seamlessly without having to use Picture in Picture.

            Sometimes, I perhaps need to shoot a quick text or check something real quick but I do not want to lose the audio or flow of the media that I am enjoying. And chances are, I also do not really need to fully utilize Picture in Picture just for that short moment either.

            I would love this feature. Honestly, it is probably on the top of my update "wishlist" right now.

              3 months later
              a year later

              This doesn't work for me on iOS with Youtube — perhaps an update to youtube has broken it?

              Audio immediately pauses when I switch out from Orion, and it doesn't resume when switching back.

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